Anonymous ID: d24ca0 Sept. 2, 2024, 3:52 p.m. No.21524282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4350 >>4775

What would it have looked like if it had looked as though there were a network of globalist maneuvering players who saw themselves as needing to wage a war against God in "optics", against children's bodies.


325,000 children trafficking into the country under Biden/Harris. According to DHS. "Lost"…into sex slave and ritual killings "objects" targeted with the highest and most extreme genocidal pedophilia and extreme "thought"…disordering inconsistency of depending on the thing being negated "I can kill God by killing everything closest like children".

Extreme self-alienation manifesting in a real world oligarchy of information control which can and did and does "control" any receiving consciousness trusting it to be speaking of anyone or anything but itself.


325,000 children trafficked under Harris/Biden "blind eye" "knowing for (self) but not knowing for (you)".


Churches being burned down.


The censorship complex was always to prevent this network of criminals from becoming "publicly known" by no longer being able to impose information firewalls into the world that are beyond self-censorship and into 'you-censorship'.


A voice saying no voices…


evil is practising destruction to defeat their own invoked dependency that is inside the mind to stay inside the mind and speak and act inconsistent with sameself instance of dependency reference formation.

Anonymous ID: d24ca0 Sept. 2, 2024, 4:22 p.m. No.21524455   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The people needing to be shown is accelerating. Historical post.


The legacy media BLASTED 24/7 that what they knew was true yet they knowingly spoke was false and only 'conspiracy theorists' are saying that Biden admin pressured Facebook to censor dissent.

The head of Facebook is publicly speaking Biden admin pressured Facebook into censoring dissent (aka truth about what was on that same potus son's laptop).

Years long weaponization of information, deception on camera, with straight faces, publishing knowingly false information to PROTECT that same operation of pressuring a social media company to censor truth speech about criminal activity, from that same political party source


covid was a human engineered "gain of function Marxism" "movement" of "self-inconsistency"…"The best thought for this body is sourcing negations of what it itself is doing"

Suppressing truths about virus treatments…

Criminals suppress truth about their own lying and criminal praxis to "alchemically"…"heretofore minds have contemplated history as it unfolds, the point of course is to change it" practitioners of psychopathic indiscriminate killing of the public to "change" the human birth death pattern in time of all nations, some hunted more than others, some "inflated" more than others, some races impoverished relative to others, all for a specific purpose…

For human beings in the millions to be nothing but means to a ritual celebrating and preying upon human beings for its own power and money towards species extinction.

And if anyone is able to get to potus and speak and protect and defend the hunted public, they're targeted for 187 if character assassination fails to "guide trusting minds" into removing them from the chessboard.



"Literally the party of criminals".


ooks like we made it

Look how far we've come, my baby

We mighta took the long way

We knew we'd get there someday

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"

But just look at us holding on

We're still together, still going strong

Mm (you're still the one)

You're still the one I run to

The one that I belong to

You're still the one I want for life

(You're still the one)

You're still the one that I love

The only one I dream of

You're still the one I kiss goodnight

Ain't nothin' better

We beat the odds together

I'm glad we didn't listen

Look at what we would be missin'

They said, "I bet they'll never make it"

But just look at us holding on

We're still together, still going strong


You're still the one I run to

The one that I belong to

You're still the one I want for life

(You're still the one)

You're still the one that I love

The only one I dream of

You're still the one I kiss goodnight

You're still the one

Yeah (you're still the one)

You're still the one I run to

The one that I belong to

You're still the one I want for life, oh yeah (you're still the one)

You're still the one that I love

The only one I dream of

You're still the one I kiss goodnight

I'm so glad we made it

Look how far we've come, my baby

Anonymous ID: d24ca0 Sept. 2, 2024, 4:45 p.m. No.21524546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4561

TFW criminals refuse to prosecute criminals to avoid self-incrimination.


d party is in praxis a party of crime

They don't prosecute 'selected' crimes because a full and open prosecution would in discovery reveal their own self-incrimination.


325,000 trafficked children…

187 attempts on real potus (anons remember a MISSILE launched from a black ops site, the fake news said was a 'helicopter").


"Bigger than 25th attempt to remove (Q+ from life)".


Remember when the same legacy media outlets told their readers this was a helicopter, and to forget about it and don't think it's a Surface to Air MISSILE?


There is a criminal network launching war on speech talking about that same criminal network.

Anonymous ID: d24ca0 Sept. 2, 2024, 6:29 p.m. No.21524862   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The loudist "anti-fascists" were and are the real fascists all along.


Nazis did the same thing in censorship.

Anonymous ID: d24ca0 Sept. 2, 2024, 6:33 p.m. No.21524880   🗄️.is 🔗kun

If you make fun of my Muslim name I will report you for Islamaphobia and you WILL get a hate crime report recorded against you.


what if you're just riding shamu?

Anonymous ID: d24ca0 Sept. 2, 2024, 6:34 p.m. No.21524886   🗄️.is 🔗kun

In the last month, the NY Times, CNN, and Media Matters have lost key decisions clearing the way for trials. For those embracing advocacy journalism, a bill is coming due with defamation and disparagement lawsuits.

Anonymous ID: d24ca0 Sept. 2, 2024, 6:41 p.m. No.21524911   🗄️.is 🔗kun

truth, though, this is a problem if you live in the UK, and I shouldn’t be making light of it. Nothing I said construed hate speech, or had anything to do with Islam. I was making fun of a fat man because his name sounded like Shamu, a famous whale - and if Shamu-the-person 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




weren’t Muslim, I’d still have made fun of him - because he’s a creep, which is why I made fun of him in the first place. Because he’s Muslim, though - and only because he is Muslim - he was able to go to the authorities and have me put on a list - not even for attacking 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




Islam, but simply for offending him on a personal level. That’s how bad things have gotten there - and my response to him would have gotten me locked up, because the British government is actively persecuting people for making legitimate criticisms of Islam. Y’all, there’s a 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




word for that, but it’s not one you want to hear applied to the country you live in. If you can be locked up for saying something online that is offensive to Muslims, how long before the government decides that women’s hair is also offensive to their esteemed guests? Or 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




women’s voices? What happens when they demand the right to follow their faith even if it conflicts with the law of the land? We’ve already seen British judges let a child rapist go because as a Muslim, he’d been taught not to value women any more than you would “a piece of 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




candy dropped on the ground.” His victim was 13. If his “ignorance” of the law, even after growing up in the UK, was an excuse for rape, how long before a woman’s actions are held responsible instead?


If I lived in the UK today, I’d be thinking of getting out.


truth, though, this is a problem if you live in the UK, and I shouldn’t be making light of it. Nothing I said construed hate speech, or had anything to do with Islam. I was making fun of a fat man because his name sounded like Shamu, a famous whale - and if Shamu-the-person 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




weren’t Muslim, I’d still have made fun of him - because he’s a creep, which is why I made fun of him in the first place. Because he’s Muslim, though - and only because he is Muslim - he was able to go to the authorities and have me put on a list - not even for attacking 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




Islam, but simply for offending him on a personal level. That’s how bad things have gotten there - and my response to him would have gotten me locked up, because the British government is actively persecuting people for making legitimate criticisms of Islam. Y’all, there’s a 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




word for that, but it’s not one you want to hear applied to the country you live in. If you can be locked up for saying something online that is offensive to Muslims, how long before the government decides that women’s hair is also offensive to their esteemed guests? Or 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




women’s voices? What happens when they demand the right to follow their faith even if it conflicts with the law of the land? We’ve already seen British judges let a child rapist go because as a Muslim, he’d been taught not to value women any more than you would “a piece of 🧵

Diana Alastair💚🤍💜 ⚢ ✡️




candy dropped on the ground.” His victim was 13. If his “ignorance” of the law, even after growing up in the UK, was an excuse for rape, how long before a woman’s actions are held responsible instead?


If I lived in the UK today, I’d be thinking of getting out

Anonymous ID: d24ca0 Sept. 2, 2024, 6:48 p.m. No.21524931   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Meet the Press’ host Kristen Welker falsely claims Kamala Harris met Gold Star families of troops killed in Afghanistan