'distinct culture'
these clowns never stop with their constant discord gaslighting.l
everyone better stop copying me!!!
all you mimics need to mimic someone else!!!
I will post plays in every bread claiming people mimic me and pretending to be someone who tormets the mimic and says 'I did that' if you don't all stop doing everything I do.
anyone who posts a post, because I post posts is posting a mimic post!!!!
my guess is that a foreign country has lost control of the board, which was occupied by their green-fussy clowns and now he's trying to discredit Q and the board.
anon who were here know that the board had a purpose.
it still does.
you guys, don't let the memes hit you on the ass on your way out of the 8kun saloon.
Your Cheating Heart
Patsy Cline
dedicated to the Democrats
You're Stronger Than Me
Patsy Cline
for if still loving Q means I'm weak, then I'm weak . . .
yes, Declassification would be nice.
who is Obama's real family
who is Kamala, really
is she really a woman?
why didn't her parents get deported?
why isn't the fact that her grandfather in India was a communist get any press?
what really happened to JFK
who really killed Martin L. King?
who killed Bobby Kennedy?
when did the communists take full control of the Blue States.
which blue states have totally cooked elections (Minnesota? California? New York? Vermont?)
what really happened to Michael Hastings?
Where is Bebo Russell?
how about a list of all the false flags and people who were reported dead but aren't really dead?
what was the ethnic makeup of the Bolshevicks?
a list of all descendants of Bolshevick apparatchicks that ended up in important government jobs in the United States.
a flow diagram, from Ukraine, of the blackhand mafia as it conquored all the western nations.
who is Trudough really?
who are the Muslim Brotherhood?
why did the Catholics after hundreds of years of saying they would never have a Jesuit pope suddenly elect one?
other questions too.