Anonymous ID: 48f14a Sept. 4, 2024, 2:55 a.m. No.21530596   🗄️.is 🔗kun

if u find yourself in a hole stop stop diggin g

let me get this right trump wants to do for this country what he has done for

himself vs parasites (guberment)

Eph_1:2 GraceG5485 be to you,G5213 andG2532 peace,G1515 fromG575 GodG2316 ourG2257 Father,G3962 andG2532 from the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ.G5547

Eph_2:14 ForG1063 heG846 isG2076 ourG2257 peace,G1515 who hath madeG4160 bothG297 one,G1520 andG2532 hath broken downG3089 theG3588 middle wallG3320 of partitionG5418 between us;

Eph_2:15 Having abolishedG2673 inG1722 hisG848 fleshG4561 theG3588 enmity,G2189 even theG3588 lawG3551 of commandmentsG1785 contained inG1722 ordinances;G1378 for toG2443 makeG2936 inG1722 himselfG1438 of twainG1417 (G1519) oneG1520 newG2537 man,G444 so makingG4160 peace;G1515

Eph_2:17 AndG2532 cameG2064 and preachedG2097 peaceG1515 to youG5213 which were afar off,G3112 andG2532 to them that were nigh.G1451

Eph_4:3 EndeavouringG4704 to keepG5083 theG3588 unityG1775 of theG3588 SpiritG4151 inG1722 theG3588 bondG4886 of peace.G1515

Eph_6:15 AndG2532 your feetG4228 shodG5265 withG1722 the preparationG2091 of theG3588 gospelG2098 of peace;G1515

Eph_6:23 PeaceG1515 be to theG3588 brethren,G80 andG2532 loveG26 withG3326 faith,G4102 fromG575 GodG2316 the FatherG3962 andG2532 the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ.G5547


Anonymous ID: 48f14a Sept. 4, 2024, 3:36 a.m. No.21530667   🗄️.is 🔗kun

waitin g on a friend vs waitin g on guberment collapse 35 trillion in debt kek now what u waiting for ???


Php_1:2 GraceG5485 be unto you,G5213 andG2532 peace,G1515 fromG575 GodG2316 ourG2257 Father,G3962 andG2532 from the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ.G5547

Php_4:7 AndG2532 theG3588 peaceG1515 of God,G2316 which passethG5242 allG3956 understanding,G3563 shall keepG5432 yourG5216 heartsG2588 andG2532 mindsG3540 throughG1722 ChristG5547 Jesus.G2424

Php_4:9 Those things,G5023 whichG3739 ye have bothG2532 learned,G3129 andG2532 received,G3880 andG2532 heard,G191 andG2532 seenG1492 inG1722 me,G1698 do:G4238 andG2532 theG3588 GodG2316 of peaceG1515 shall beG2071 withG3326 you.G5216

Col_1:2 To theG3588 saintsG40 andG2532 faithfulG4103 brethrenG80 inG1722 ChristG5547 which are atG1722 Colosse:G2857 GraceG5485 be unto you,G5213 andG2532 peace,G1515 fromG575 GodG2316 ourG2257 FatherG3962 andG2532 the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ.G5547

Col_1:20 And,G2532 having made peaceG1517 throughG1223 theG3588 bloodG129 of hisG846 cross,G4716 byG1223 himG846 to reconcileG604 all thingsG3956 untoG1519 himself;G848 byG1223 him,G846 I say, whetherG1535 they be thingsG3588 inG1909 earth,G1093 orG1535 thingsG3588 inG1722 heaven.G3772

Col_3:15 AndG2532 let theG3588 peaceG1515 of GodG2316 ruleG1018 inG1722 yourG5216 hearts,G2588 toG1519 the whichG3739 alsoG2532 ye are calledG2564 inG1722 oneG1520 body;G4983 andG2532 beG1096 ye thankful.G2170


Anonymous ID: 48f14a Sept. 4, 2024, 5:02 a.m. No.21530835   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The President’s Army


SEP 12, 2022

“What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people. January 20th 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again…


…This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.“*1
