Anonymous ID: 6ed61f Sept. 3, 2024, 11:54 p.m. No.21530402   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0410 >>0426 >>0437 >>0469 >>0612 >>0702 >>0714 >>0812



Podesta is a phantom island reported at 32°14′S 89°08′W by the Italian Captain Pinocchio of the vessel Barone Podestà (Hereward Carrington, Carrington Collection, page 21) in 1879 claiming it to be just over a kilometre (1000 yards) in circumference located 1390 km (750 n. mi.) due west of El Quisco, Chile. It was originally located 900 miles west of Chile's coast. The island was charted until 1935, when it was removed from charts (marked "Existence Doubtful" by Defense Mapping Agency's 1975 Operation Navigational Chart R-22). The island has not been found since.


An island near Easter Island was sighted in 1912 but was likewise never seen again. Sarah Ann Island northwest of Easter Island was another island also removed from naval charts when a search in 1932 failed to find it.


Currently the micronation of the Republic of Rino Island claims "sovereignty" over the Podestá Island.[1]

Anonymous ID: 6ed61f Sept. 3, 2024, 11:58 p.m. No.21530407   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Mangroves = COMMS


More mangrove habitat could be a promising defense against sea-level rise. The trees also sequester more carbon than any other plant, both above and below the ground, another counter to climate change. But they could also overtake salt marshes, with consequences. The marshes—vast, open areas of green, grassy wetlands bisected by serpentine creeks, flooded daily by tides—line parts of coasts in the U.S. and many other countries. They support vegetation, host imperiled bird species and filter water, helping coastal ecosystems flourish. About 75 percent of U.S. salt marshes are in the Southeast, precisely where mangroves are appearing. Although mangroves build land faster than salt marshes do—in some cases, four times as fast—they’re much more vulnerable to cold temperatures. One severe freeze could eviscerate a forest, leaving the soft land vulnerable to erosion. “You could have that wetland go to water real quick,” says William “Ches” Vervaeke, an ecologist with the National Park Service.


In Florida, there are three species of mangrove:red, black and white. The red mangroves grow closest to the water, the black a bit farther in from the water’s edge, and the white in the higher elevations along the coast. Strangely, the three species are not related, but over millions of years they evolved in the same harsh environment.They resemble one another in form and location and in how they reproduce.,%20cyclones


We continued north toward Fernandina Beach. Less than five minutes later, Jones pointed: “There.” Another mangrove, this time a black one. The day continued like that as we found tree after tree farther and farther north—in the Amelia River, along Lanceford Creek and deep in the network of marshes that make up Tiger Island near Georgia’s southern border. By the time we reached the state line, where the St. Marys River runs into the Atlantic, we had recorded 19 successive “northernmost” mangroves, most of which were red.


With the wind dropping, Vervaeke couldn’t resist making an unplanned run across the river into Georgia. The marsh there feels endless, the live oaks along the shoreline ancient. The vast span of the St. Marys River pours out toward Cumberland Island, between the lime-green edges of the marsh. As we pressed against another shoreline, one plant poked up above the grass. Jones was skeptical, but Vervaeke smiled. Could it really be a mangrove, the first in Georgia? As Vervaeke set the boat onto an oyster bar, Jones ran over toward the plant. He reached the top of the bank and looked back, beaming. Vervaeke just laughed and gathered his equipment. “I’ll be damned,” he said.


On the run home, Vervaeke, who hadtattooed the prior northernmost mangrove’s coordinates on his arm, thought about making an appointment to update it. Back in the truck, they called Feller to tell her they’d found 21 new northernmost mangroves. Two of them were in Georgia. “No way!” the mangrove queen shouted. “I’ll be there soon.”

Anonymous ID: 6ed61f Sept. 4, 2024, 12:07 a.m. No.21530421   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0469 >>0612 >>0714 >>0812


What's happening in Iowa?


Iowa Lieutenant Gov. Adam Gregg resigned his position effective immediately Tuesday to take a job leading the Iowa Bankers Association, he said in a surprise announcement.


Gov. Kim Reynolds issued a statement Tuesday afternoon saying Gregg would be resigning immediately "to pursue a career opportunity that allows him to focus more on his family."


Later Tuesday afternoon, the Iowa Bankers Association announced that Gregg has been chosen as its new president and CEO.


Reynolds appointed Gregg as lieutenant governor after she assumed the governorship in 2017. He won election as her running mate in 2018 and 2022.


In a statement, Gregg, a Republican, said serving alongside Reynolds for seven years "has been a great honor."


"However, as Scripture reminds us, for everything there is a season, and there is a time to every purpose under heaven," Gregg, 41, said in the statement. "I feel my time in public service must come to a close. This season of my life needs to be focused on my family. My kids are growing up too fast, and statewide elected offices force me to miss more of their lives than I can accept. While difficult, the decision to resign from this role allows me to honor my most important commitment ― my family."


I wonder what caused the quick move? Mo money, mo problems

Anonymous ID: 6ed61f Sept. 4, 2024, 12:09 a.m. No.21530423   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Pedophile arrested 5 months ago in Windsor Heights, and a major tornado hit there about 30 days ago

Anonymous ID: 6ed61f Sept. 4, 2024, 12:15 a.m. No.21530430   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0437


Pinnochio's Pleasure Island brings to mind Epstein Island


That's why I think this wikipedia post might be comms. Also RINO made me wonder. Rinos? Maybe RINOS control the whole pedophile operations?


Sarah Ann Island also seems weird. I put in Epstein along with Sarah Ann and I got Keck?

Anonymous ID: 6ed61f Sept. 4, 2024, 1:07 a.m. No.21530479   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0480 >>0481


I'd laugh if Trump starts making fun of her fake accents. I hope he will. HAHAHA. Imagine if he were talking to a bunch of Indians and he starts talking like Apu in a British Indian accent.


"I tink you are a bunch of amazing peepol. De Indian buplic are what makes Amerdica great. Pool my finguh, pbbt. By the way, could you get me a glass of vater? Tank you come again."

Anonymous ID: 6ed61f Sept. 4, 2024, 1:32 a.m. No.21530503   🗄️.is đź”—kun


NK + Russia = Trump


Just wait until you hear all the dirt NK and Russia have on former diplomats and politicians in the uniparty swamp.