Anonymous ID: 2166bf Sept. 4, 2024, 7:19 a.m. No.21531331   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1346


they have been manipulated into this by a corrupt system and you act like you are better than them just because you think your figured some shit out. Faggot you are a slave just like everyone else.

Anonymous ID: 2166bf Sept. 4, 2024, 7:35 a.m. No.21531408   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1430


ok, what would it take to cause you to doubt what you believe? Because when people look at the left, right or wrong, it is something they believe to their core, something they have faith in that while it can be shown to be a manipulation, they will react as they do. So what would it take for you to change your mind about Jesus being your savior?

Anonymous ID: 2166bf Sept. 4, 2024, 7:48 a.m. No.21531473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The fact that you can at least say you do not know, leaves room to at least ponder. But with how crazy you feel, leftists have been told that all this crazy in the world is xyz fault. This gives them wrongly a point of attack to say this is the reason it all does suck. So they have been sold a false bill of goods by the very people who are making this shit go south of shitsville daily. They have just been manipulated in totally horrible ways but different ways also then people who like to point at them have considered, guilty of it myself. People like to think this world is all ship shape cept for these wierdos and the problem is people mask a great deal of trauma and bullshit just for the pretense of not appearing abnormal. Topsy Tuvry everyone gets a ticket for the shit show.