Anonymous ID: 54a220 Sept. 4, 2024, 7:50 a.m. No.21531480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1700 >>1815


Last paragragh, they are fixated on the number 13


On July 29, the Louisiana congressman was named as one of seven Republican members of a bipartisan group tasked with investigating the attempted assassination of Trump. The task force consists of 13 members== - seven Republicans and six Democrats. Its mission is to determine what went wrong on the day of the attempted assassination and it will make recommendations to prevent future security lapses.

The task force will issue a final report before December 13.

Anonymous ID: 54a220 Sept. 4, 2024, 8:12 a.m. No.21531582   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1610 >>1722


Citizen Free Press



This is Tim Walz's family, sending a message. Photo is 100% real.


Spread the word anons!

Anonymous ID: 54a220 Sept. 4, 2024, 8:23 a.m. No.21531632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1643 >>1658 >>1660

Don't know if this is true, but why is Trump releasing his own family bitcoin


🚨 URGENT UPDATE! The Financial System's Collapse is Imminent—EBS, QFS, and NESARA Are Set to Launch!


The storm is upon us, and the truth is breaking through faster than they can cover it up. High-level insiders are confirming that the Quantum Financial System (QFS), the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), and NESARA are not just rumors—they’re ready to roll out!


Politicians in the know are leaking critical details, whether by accident or design, preparing us for the seismic shifts ahead. This is a coordinated effort, folks—those who want to be on the right side of history when the hammer drops are making their moves now.


🚨 Congressman Jim Jordan was overheard in a Capitol Hill hallway with Marjorie Taylor Greene, discussing the "imminent unveiling of the new financial system," which will pull the rug out from under the corrupt. This wasn’t some vague chat—it was a direct reference to the QFS.


Greene confirmed, saying the EBS is "ready to go live any day now," urging everyone to prepare for a global lockdown. This is a warning straight from the insiders.


🚨 At a closed-door MAGA event in Phoenix, Kari Lake revealed to a select group that the QFS is already testing, and we’re on the brink of a total financial and political overhaul. She warned that the deep state bankers are cornered, desperately trying to negotiate deals to save their own skins before the EBS exposes their shady dealings.


🚨 Mike Pompeo, at a Texas fundraiser, dropped a bombshell: "The financial system as we know it is on its last legs," hinting at a transparency shift that will shake this country and beyond. One attendee, speaking on condition of anonymity, confirmed Pompeo was talking about NESARA and the QFS—suggesting a financial reset that will expose decades of corruption.


🚨 In Florida, Matt Gaetz didn’t hold back. At a private gathering, he declared, "The days of the Federal Reserve and their secret manipulations are over." The QFS, he says, is a divine tool to restore balance, and the EBS is set to "broadcast the truth to the masses."


🚨 But it’s not just in the U.S.—this is a global shift. During a private meeting in Mar-a-Lago with Trump and key international allies, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán confirmed that European leaders have been briefed on the QFS rollout, and those who resist will be left exposed and powerless.


🚨 General Michael Flynn, in an August 2024 interview, confirmed the military is prepared for this complete global restructuring. The EBS will soon be activated to reveal the truth, shattering the lies and deceit that have enslaved humanity for too long.


🚨 At a recent roundtable hosted by Sidney Powell, she declared that central banks have had their run, but it’s over. The new financial system is ready to expose every dirty secret. The EBS is set to be triggered, finally bringing to light what we’ve been fighting for.


The signals are clear, the signs are everywhere. These leaks aren’t just chatter—they’re warnings. The QFS is on its way, the EBS is about to be activated, and NESARA is set to transform our world. The old corrupt system is crumbling, and the new one is rising from the ashes.


Get ready, patriots—the revolution is here. Stay vigilant. Stay prepared. The time for awakening is now! 🌟


Follow my channel, stay updated👇 ✅️

Anonymous ID: 54a220 Sept. 4, 2024, 8:36 a.m. No.21531710   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yep, the tories bent to every woke policy, Britain is going to have their own Revolution soon. Ireland is pissed. They all voted in Globalists and now they want their country back. The English are coming for their own leaders