The first direct image of another ''Solar System''
i spy with my little eye…something that starts with–SWASTIKA
Buddhist, Hindu and Native American Spiritual Leaders Sign a Historic Proclamation Affirming the Difference between the Sacred Swastika and Hitler’s Hakenkreuz
Is the Antichrist going to come out of France?
Minnehaha County Auditor to give report on 2020 election on why the county was missing 24,500 votes
3 let go last week at my factory.
Steel is what our factory needs to keep running, and our work is gradually getting less and less.
This month and the rest of the year, we will have short weeks planned to equal out labor at the factory.
When it hits, I am so afraid that nobody is going to be ready for it.
I need to find a good church to go to.
I am so depressed over it all.