Anonymous ID: a6893a Sept. 4, 2024, 7:07 a.m. No.21531280   🗄️.is 🔗kun

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1Th_1:1 Paul,G3972 andG2532 Silvanus,G4610 andG2532 Timotheus,G5095 unto theG3588 churchG1577 of the ThessaloniansG2331 which is inG1722 GodG2316 the FatherG3962 andG2532 in the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ:G5547 GraceG5485 be unto you,G5213 andG2532 peace,G1515 fromG575 GodG2316 ourG2257 Father,G3962 andG2532 the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ.G5547

1Th_5:3 ForG1063 whenG3752 they shall say,G3004 PeaceG1515 andG2532 safety;G803 thenG5119 suddenG160 destructionG3639 cometh uponG2186 them,G846 asG5618 travailG5604 upon a woman with child;G2192 G1722 G1064 andG2532 they shall notG3364 escape.G1628

1Th_5:13 AndG2532 to esteemG2233 themG846 very highlyG5228 G1537 G4053 inG1722 loveG26 for their work's sake.G1223 G846 G2041 And be at peaceG1514 amongG1722 yourselves.G1438

1Th_5:23 AndG1161 theG3588 veryG846 GodG2316 of peaceG1515 sanctifyG37 youG5209 wholly;G3651 andG2532 I pray God yourG5216 wholeG3648 spiritG4151 andG2532 soulG5590 andG2532 bodyG4983 be preservedG5083 blamelessG274 untoG1722 theG3588 comingG3952 of ourG2257 LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ.G5547

2Th_1:2 GraceG5485 unto you,G5213 andG2532 peace,G1515 fromG575 GodG2316 ourG2257 FatherG3962 andG2532 the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ.G5547

2Th_3:16 NowG1161 theG3588 LordG2962 of peaceG1515 himselfG846 giveG1325 youG5213 peaceG1515 alwaysG1223 G3956 byG1722 allG3956 means.G5158 TheG3588 LordG2962 be withG3326 youG5216 all.G3956
