Anonymous ID: c96e15 Sept. 4, 2024, 6:38 a.m. No.21531113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1126 >>1134 >>1359 >>1414 >>1700 >>1815

Anti-Israel activists kick off new school year vandalizing Cornell buildings


Anti-Israel protesters vandalized the campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York on Aug. 26.


The protesters reportedly broke windows and wrote anti-Semitic slogans, such as 'Blood is on your hands' and 'Israel bombs, Cornell pays,' in several different buildings.


Campus Reform Correspondent

August 29, 2024, 5:00 pm ET

The anti-Israel protests that swept America’s college campus during the previous academic year are starting up again, including at the nation’s most prestigious universities.


Anti-Israel protesters vandalized the campus of Cornell University in Ithaca, New York on Aug. 26. The protesters reportedly broke windows and wrote anti-Semitic slogans, such as “Blood is on your hands” and “Israel bombs, Cornell pays,” in several different buildings.


In a statement to The Cornell Daily Sun, the protesters, who wished to remain anonymous, said that they believed criminal action was a justified response to Cornell’s “fascist” and “classist” behavior.


“We had to accept that the only way to make ourselves heard is by targeting the only thing the university administration truly cares about: property,” the activists said. “With the start of this new academic year, the Cornell administration is trying desperately to upkeep a facade of normalcy knowing that, since last semester, they have been working tirelessly to uphold Cornell’s function as a fascist, classist, imperial machine.”


[RELATED: Cornell University to offer course on ‘Ecological Justice’ focused on ‘Feminist, Queer, and Trans Perspectives’] (No wonder the youth going to college are stupid!)


William A. Jacobson, a professor at Cornell law, expressed disappointment with the university’s response to anti-Israel demonstrations last year, noting that the seemingly weak response may be partly to blame for the continued protests.


“Given the weak response at Cornell last academic year to intimidation tactics by anti-Israel activists, it is no surprise that they have upped the aggressiveness by opening the semester with vandalism and destruction of property,” he said, according to The New York Post. “This is a bad omen.”


“Cornell has refused to come to grips with a toxic situation of its own making - the racialization of the campus under a DEI initiative post George Floyd, which has balkanized students into identity groups, with Jewish students and Israel being falsely portrayed as white colonizers,” he told Campus Reform. “In such an atmosphere, aggressive protests ‘by any means necessary’ have flourished with only tepid administrative concern for the vast majority of students who simply want to get an education.”


[RELATED: Cornell profs fear Harris will be a victim of ‘misogynoir’]kek


The protests come in the wake of former university president Martha Pollack’s resignation. Pollack previously denied a student-led effort to divert Cornell’s investments away from companies tied to Israel.


Vice president for university relations Joel Malina expressed disapproval of the vandals, stating that the school would not tolerate such behavior.


“We are appalled by the graffiti spray painted, and glass shattered overnight along the front entrance of Day Hall,” Malina said, according to The New York Post. “Acts of violence, extended occupation of buildings, or property damage (including graffiti) will not be tolerated and will prompt an immediate response from public safety.”

Anonymous ID: c96e15 Sept. 4, 2024, 6:45 a.m. No.21531164   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1359 >>1414 >>1700 >>1815

Cornell profs fear Harris will be a victim of 'misogynoir'


Cornell professors recently weighed in on Kamala Harris’ presidential run and some of the challenges she may soon face, including the prospects of 'misogynoir.'


One of the professors wrote that the term refers to 'the intersection of misogyny and racism,' especially 'anti-Black racism.' (Communists, Marxists and Retards run universities to create retardation)


Campus Reform

August 12, 2024, 12:08 pm ET

Professors from an Ivy League institution recently weighed in on Kamala Harris’ presidential run and some of the challenges she may soon face, including the prospects of “misogynoir.”


Cornell University recently placed a press release on its web page in which three professors provided insight into Harris’ candidacy.


“There is no question that Harris’s candidacy will open up a torrent of misogynoir, a term coined by Moya Bailey and Trudy for the intersection of misogyny and racism (particularly anti-Black racism, although Harris is also of course South Asian),” wrote Kate Manne, associate professor of philosophy. “It’s our job to fight it in our circles and even ourselves.”


”Opposing the misogynoir Harris is about to face loudly and vocally is the only way forward,” she continued. ”The fate of our country hangs precariously in the balance.”


Samantha Sheppard, associate professor of performing and media arts, noted the role that black female celebrities will play in publicly endorsing Harris.


“We are witnessing the unique role that Black women celebrities, who have been marginalized in their own industries, as they take center stage in the effort to support Vice President Harris,” Sheppard argued. ”Last night’s class #WinWithBlackWomen Zoom event included 40,000 Black women who discussed how they would support Harris, raising $1 million in four hours. Many Black women celebrities were on that call.”


Sheppard also echoed Manne’s concern that Harris will be the victim of “misogynoir” from voters.


[RELATED: PROF. JENKINS: Kamala Harris, stone-cold Marxist](one sane professor exists)


“This has been a tough year for Black women in leadership (e.g., Claudine Gay),” she wrote on Cornell’s website. “It’s critical for Black women with platforms to work together to rise above the misogynoir that Harris will face.”


Some were hesitant of Harris’ prospects for other reasons. Douglas L. Kriner, professor of government, questioned whether it was appropriate for her to be selected as the nominee in the first place.


“Should Democrats have closed ranks so fast?”, he asked. “Is a coronation devoid of any input from the rank and file a good look for a party campaigning on ‘defending democracy?’”


He also noted that Harris may face trouble because of her affiliation with Biden.


“Harris is inextricably tied to an unpopular administration and will be on defense on key issues like inflation and immigration,” Kriner wrote. “And in most of the polling data we’ve seen such far, Harris does not significantly outperform Biden.”


Campus Reform has contacted Cornell University and each professor named for comment. This article will be updated accordingly.


Parents, take your children out of these useless schools, they will come out dumber than when they went in, and when Communist-Marxists takeover, they will kill them first as useful idiots.

Anonymous ID: c96e15 Sept. 4, 2024, 7:49 a.m. No.21531476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1480 >>1492

Bombshell congressional report on Trump assassination attempt reveals 'who REALLY took the first shot at Thomas Crooks'


A bombshell congressional report claims would-be Trump assassin Thomas Crooks was incapacitated by a local cop before he was killed by a Secret Service sniper. Two months after Crooks shot the former president's ear at a rally in Butler, PA, a preliminary report from Rep. Clay Higgins offered a differing narrative to the official one pushed by the FBI.

While it was initially claimed that Crooks was shot in the head within seconds by a Secret Service sniper, Higgins' report claimed it was actually a local SWAT operator who stopped the gunman's hail of bullets.

The congressman said the local cop's shot 'hit Crooks' rifle and fragged his face/ neck/ right shoulder area from the (gun) stock breaking up', which meant Crooks was unable to keep firing before he was killed.It comes amid mounting scrutiny on the FBI and Secret Service's investigations into the shooting, weeks after Higgins also revealed Crooks' body was mysteriously cremated with approval from the FBI after just 10 days.

The revelations from Higgins' bombshell report were raised last night by Fox News pundit Jesse Watters, who shared his shock over the response to the assassination attempt with Missouri Senator Josh Hawley. Watters said the FBI and Secret Service have been offering only a frustrating 'drip drip, drip' of information from their investigations, and noted that 'the real investigative work is being done by Congress.'

He drew parallels between the agencies' official narrative of the shooting - that Crooks was quickly killed by a Secret Service sniper - and Higgins' claim that a local SWAT operator actually hit the gunman first. 'I didn't know that,' Watters said, pointing to Congressional testimony from acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe that made 'no mention' of the local cop's heroics.

'He gave his agency total credit for bringing down Crooks,' he said. Newly released images of Crooks' AR-style rifle show the stock end of the firearm with a large hole where the bullet purportedly struck near the shooter's shoulder.

According to Higgins' report, the rally could have been worse had it not been for the actions of local officers.

After Crooks fired eight bullets at the crowd, striking Trump's ear and hitting three rally attendees, one fatally, officers were scrambling to locate the source of the bullets and fire back. Higgins said the SWAT operator -who he described as a 'total badass' in his report - fired at Crooks from the ground around 100 yards from the AGR building where he had been perched.

'When he had sighted the shooter Crooks as a mostly obscured by foliage moving target on the AGR rooftop, he immediately left his assigned post and ran towards the threat,' Higgins wrote.

The congressman noted that the officer ran into Crooks' possible line of fire and took a 'very hard shot' that struck the end of Crooks' rifle and destroyed the gun's functionality.

'This means that if his AR buffer tube was damaged, Crooks’ rifle wouldn’t fire after his 8th shot,' Higgins wrote.Seconds later, a Secret Service sniper killed Crooks on the rooftop perch, which 'entered somewhere around the left mouth area and exited the right ear area.'

The revelations came as Higgins also staggeringly claimed that Crooks' body was cremated just 10 days after the rally shooting despite investigations still ongoing. 'boots on the ground' trip to Butler in early August, which was submitted to a 13-member Congressional bipartisan task force investigating the shooting that he is a member of.

In the report, Higgins said that when he visited the town for his own investigation, his request to view the body 'caused quite a stir and revealed a disturbing fact.' Higgins says 'nobody knew' that the body had been returned to the family, including the county coroner and local enforcement. He writes that the coroner still had 'legal authority over the body' when the FBI made this decision and accuses the agency of 'obstruction'.

'The problem with me not being able to examine the actual body is that I won't know 100% if the coroner's report and the autopsy report are accurate. We will actually never know,' Higgins claimed. 'Yes, we'll get the reports and pictures, but I will not ever be able to say with certainty that those reports and pictures are accurate according to my own examination of the body. This pattern of investigative scorched earth by the FBI is quite troubling,' Higgins writes.