Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 10:58 a.m. No.21532333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2459 >>2492 >>2577 >>2680

Biden to take ‘law enforcement action’ against RT – CNN


The US president is expected to claim, yet again, that the Russian network is interfering in an American election


The administration of US President Joe Biden is planning to accuse Russia of meddling in this year’s presidential election, and will announce “law enforcement action” against those supposedly responsible, CNN reported on Wednesday. RT will be the prime target of this action, the network stated.


The White House will accuse Russia on Wednesday of “a sustained effort to influence the 2024 US elections” by using “Kremlin-run media” to spread so-called “disinformation,” CNN reported, citing US government sources.


Alongside a public condemnation from the White House, the US Department of Justice will announce “law enforcement action targeting the covert Russian campaign,” the network said.


RT is “a major focus of the US announcement,” CNN added, noting that “US officials see the Russian outlet as a key piece of Kremlin propaganda efforts.”


“Dear CNN,” RT’s press office responded following Wednesday’s article. “We certainly have a response. Actually, we have several, but we couldn’t decide on one (we even thought of running an office poll), so here they are:


  1. Ha!


  1. Hahahaha!




  1. 2016 called and it wants its clichés back


  1. Three things are certain in life: death, taxes and RT’s interference in the US elections


  1. We gotta earn our Kremlin paycheck somehow


  1. Somewhere, Secretary Clinton is sad that it’s not because of her




RT Press Office”

Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 11:08 a.m. No.21532403   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2459 >>2577 >>2680

Trump accuses Ukraine of lying about death toll


The former US president has blamed the conflict on the Biden administration and renewed his pledge to bring peace if reelected


“They lie about the numbers,” Trump claimed in the podcast. He did not explain why he believes Kiev is doing so, though it is considered standard practice for countries to overestimate enemy losses and underestimate their own during wars.


“They try and keep [the numbers] low. They knock down a building that’s two blocks long, and they say one person was mildly injured. No, no, a lot of people were killed… millions of people,” Trump said.

Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 11:16 a.m. No.21532436   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2459 >>2577 >>2680

Wisconsin Election Legislative Committees Gives DOT Ultimatum on Non-US Citizens Driver’s License Data in Time for November Presidential Election


In a rather tersely worded directive, the Chairman of the Assembly Committee on Campaigns and Elections and Senate Committee on Shared Revenue, Elections and Consumer Protection, sent the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Agency Director (DOT) an immediate request for data information that documents how many non-US citizens in Wisconsin have a driver’s license and or a photo ID.


These Committees held a Joint Public Hearing with the DOT regarding this matter in May of 2024 (click here – Elections expert testify about noncitizen voting in Wisconsin – WPR) and the DOT did not comply with the request of the Committees in time for the November 2024 Presidential Election. WEC Administrator Wolfe was invited to attend this meeting but was a no-show again.


The DOT has since that meeting has refused to release any information due to “privacy” concerns for non-US citizens with a Wisconsin driver’s license.


The DOT request from these Legislative Committees, dated September 3, 2024 (See attached DOT Letter Non-US Citizens Driver’s License), asks for an immediate release of the non-US citizens data from the DOT that have a Wisconsin driver’s license and or a photo ID to assist all Wisconsin Clerks (1,852) in the administration of elections with integrity to make sure only US citizens receive a ballot for the Wisconsin Presidential Election in November.


The DOT was reminded in the Legislative Letter that as a State Agency they (DOT) are absolutely required to release this information upon request to the proper authorities per Wisconsin State Statute 13.45 (7) (click here – Wisconsin Legislature: 13.45).


The DOT was further reminded that this request is in compliance with the Driver Privacy and Protections Act (DPPA) with respect to the Legislative Committees are not a “person”, but rather a “State or agency thereof” per various portions of 18 U.S.C. 2725 (2) (click here – 18 USC 2725: Definitions ( and that disclosure of this information is allowed per 18 USC 2721 (a) and (b) (1) and (4) (click here – 18 USC 2721 – Prohibition on release and use of certain personal information from State motor vehicle records (


Finally, the DOT was reminded that the Governor’s Office wants this information shared between the DOT and the Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) to assist all Clerks in the administration of elections with integrity to make sure only US Citizens are participating in Wisconsin Elections.

Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 11:19 a.m. No.21532448   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"The Deal Is Done": In Massive Political Shake-Up, Canada's Progressive NDP Pulls Plug On Pact With Trudeau


In what's turned into a massive political shake-up in Canada, Jagmeet Singh, leader of the progressive National Democratic Party (NDP), is pulling the plug on his party's support deal with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal government. Singh is set to announce the breakup in a video going live on social media Wednesday afternoon - a move that could send shockwaves through the country's political landscape.

Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 11:21 a.m. No.21532460   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2473 >>2577 >>2680

Elon folds


Starlink Agrees To Comply With Brazil's Orders To Block X


Elon Musk’s internet service, Starlink, has announced that it will comply with a Brazil Supreme Court order to shut down X while vowing to pursue “all legal avenues” to allow the recently banned Musk-owned social media platform to operate in Brazil.


“Regardless of the illegal treatment of Starlink in freezing our assets, we are complying with the order to block access to X in Brazil,” Starlink’s statement said.


“We continue to pursue all legal avenues, as are others who agree that @alexandre’s recent orders violate the Brazilian constitution.”

Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 11:26 a.m. No.21532474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2577 >>2680

FBI warns of North Korean ’social engineering’ schemes to steal crypto


DPRK scammers have been employing fake offers of employment and investment opportunities to trick crypto users into downloading malware.


The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has issued a warning to employees at digital asset firms regarding the latest attempt by North Korea to steal crypto.


In a Sept. 3 notice, the FBI said North Korean malicious cyber actors were targeting workers at decentralized finance and cryptocurrency companies to steal funds through “complex and elaborate” social engineering campaigns.


Specifically, the federal agency warned that the scammers had researched firms associated with cryptocurrency-tied exchange-traded funds, or ETFs.


How the scam works

The actors employed schemes including fake offers of employment or investment opportunities and impersonating well-known individuals associated “with certain technologies” to trick users. The scammers may then provide a link to a “pre-employment test” or another download to install malware.


“The actors usually attempt to initiate prolonged conversations with prospective victims to build rapport and deliver malware in situations that may appear natural and non-alerting,” said the FBI, adding:


“The actors usually communicate with victims in fluent or nearly fluent English and are well versed in the technical aspects of the cryptocurrency field.”

Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 11:37 a.m. No.21532527   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2577 >>2680

‘Jenin Is Just the Beginning’: Israel Planning More Escalations in West Bank


Israel Hayom reports the West Bank has become the second most critical front


Israel is planning more significant escalations in the West Bank, and the Israeli military now considers the occupied territory the second most critical front, immediately after Gaza, Israel Hayom reported on Tuesday.


Israeli security officials told the outlet that while the directive for the West Bank is in its initial stages and that changes on the ground will take time, a new series of operations across the territory are imminent.


Last week, Israel launched its largest attack on the West Bank since 2002, with raids focused on Jenin and Tulkarm in the north. “The Jenin operation is just the beginning,” a security official told Israel Hayom.


The Israeli assault on Jenin continued for the seventh day on Tuesday as the city remains under siege. According to the Jenin municipality, the Israeli military has destroyed 70% of the roads and infrastructure in the city, and about 80% of the water has been cut off to residents.

Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 11:42 a.m. No.21532558   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2577 >>2593 >>2680

Microsoft Pulls Russia’s Access To Cloud Services


Microsoft has suspended access to its cloud services for Russian companies. This action is in compliance with the EU sanctions imposed in December 2023. The suspension affects various services including Power BI, Azure, OneDrive, and PowerShel. However, individual users in Russia are not impacted by this suspension.

Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 11:52 a.m. No.21532613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2680

Blame Hamas, not Israel's government, Ron Dermer says - interview


'Hamas has not agreed to any of the US-facilitated hostage deals; they are the sole reason there is no hostage deal in place.'


Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer directed the blame for the failure to reach a hostage deal at Hamas, stating that they have failed to accept any of the hostage deal proposals brought forward by Israel, the US, and other Arab mediators, according to an interview conducted on Wednesday on CNN.


When asked whether the Israeli government is "moving the goalposts" regarding the hostage deal, Dermer responded, "The government is doing all it can, returning 150 of the 250 hostages taken by Hamas, with 110 of them returned alive."


When pressed about the anger felt by the Israeli public over the execution of six Israeli hostages, Dermer said, "We should all be angry and outraged, but at Hamas, not the Israeli government. It was Hamas that killed the hostages, it was Hamas that invaded Israel and murdered twelve hundred people in cold blood."


"There is no deal to be made with Hamas simply because they have refused to accept any of the proposals presented to them by our mediating partners. They are to blame for the lack of a hostage deal."

Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 11:55 a.m. No.21532636   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Whole Christian Communities Have Been Wiped Out In Nigeria, New Report Says


Christian communities throughout Nigeria have been completely destroyed by Islamic terrorists, according to interviews with persecuted Christians conducted by religious liberty advocates.


The interviews were included in a report released Sunday by Open Doors International, a religious freedom advocacy group, which found that thousands of Christians have been killed and displaced in Nigeria in increasing numbers since 2020. Open Doors interviewed hundreds of persecuted Christians, many of whom were sheltering in camps throughout the country.


“Extremist violence across parts of Nigeria over the last decade has resulted in mass displacement of Christian communities, amongst others,” the report said. “They have been singled out for violence, face harsh living conditions and experience faith-based challenges throughout their displacement journey. Nigerian state security personnel regularly failed to respond in a timely or effective manner to violent attacks against Christians.”


The violence has been primarily taking place in the northern states of Borno and Plateau, where there are lots of Islamic militants and violent Fulani herdsmen. About 2.7 times more Christians are killed in violent attacks than Muslims with at least 16,769 Christians being killed from October 2019 to September 2023. Christians are also the disproportionate victims of kidnappings.


For the report, Open Doors interviewed 292 Christians and humanitarian workers from January to April 2024 about their experiences with the persecution. Interviewees were primarily Christians who had been displaced within the country, with some workers from humanitarian agencies also interviewed.



One Christian displaced from Borno said that all the churches in the area of Gwoza were burned to the ground.


“Now, all the churches in Gwoza have been destroyed by Boko Haram, and many of the Christians have fled and are living as IDPs in different locations,” the interviewee said. “Since the attacks and the destruction of churches in Gwoza, I have not returned, and the churches are still in their deplorable state since their destruction.”


Another Christian said that the Christian population of another area in Borno had been completely replaced.


“I think for Goshe even during the time of displacement most of the community members were Christians,” the interviewee said. “But now the resettled members are almost ninety percent Muslims in the place I went to. It used to be a Christian community, but now it is a Muslim community.”


Other interviewees said that they struggled to defend themselves from attacks because they were armed with only a few small guns while their attackers had more sophisticated weaponry.


One of the main groups behind the attacks is Boko Haram, a radical Islamic group that has targeted Christians for years.


“Boko Haram target people that are working with the church, maybe you have a position like Secretary or you have any position in church, you are a target. In every community they have a list of people they are looking for,” an interviewee said.


If they survive the attacks on their villages, then the Christians also face struggles finding food and shelter. Many of the camps for displaced people discriminate against Christians and do not give aid to those with Christian names. Many people also refuse to rent out property to Christians.


Open Doors CEO Ryan Brown told Fox News on Tuesday that much of the world was ignoring the violence against Christians in Nigeria.


“The rest of the world seems to be turning a blind eye,” he said. “People are not talking about it. People are not aware of the realities, and therefore people aren’t doing anything about it.”

Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 11:59 a.m. No.21532684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2711

Canadian journalist outs himself as Canadian, Ukrainian intelligence collaborator


Canada’s National Post is refusing to comment after one of its columnists revealed himself to be a collaborator with Western-aligned intelligence agencies. A Canadian activist is now threatening to sue the paper after the confessed spy smeared him in a front page article.

Adam Zivo, a columnist who covered the war in Ukraine for Canada’s National Post newspaper, has outed himself as an operative of Canadian and Ukrainian intelligence. The admission came as Zivo publicly leapt to the defense of Canada’s Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), in response to a wave of online mockery directed towards a post by the spy agency which asked readers, “Has a stranger ever tried to inflate your ego?,” before warning them that such flattery “could be elicitation.”


“People are dunking on this tweet but this actually happened to me in Odesa in early 2023 with a guy who seemed to be a Chinese spy,” Zivo volunteered. “I ended up organizing a small sting operation with two Ukrainian intelligence officers to figure out what his deal was,” he declared.

Anonymous ID: b3ba19 Sept. 4, 2024, 12:02 p.m. No.21532712   🗄️.is 🔗kun

German envoy admits he spread lie about 7 October mass rapes


“I regret having believed – like so many others – that that suicide letter was real. It turns out it was a fake,” Ambassador Steffen Seibert posted on X, formerly Twitter, on Thursday. “I find this an appalling act given that so many real lives were taken at the Nova festival, so many crimes committed, so many souls destroyed.”