Anonymous ID: ce966c Sept. 4, 2024, 9:56 a.m. No.21532112   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2215 >>2543

>>21531039 pb



"Tonpa Shenrab came with the express purpose of relieving the sufferings of all sentient beings."


Tonpa Shenrab is thought to be, by the New Historians whose group-work rectified the accepted chronological timeline (via the scientific method, computers, statistics, mathematics and logic), to be the same person who was known in the West as teacher, "King Jesus."


The man known in our day as "King Jesus the Savior" apparently ended up in Tibet after leaving his previous life behind after his 32nd year.

If you read the apostle Mark's account (said to be the most accurate) in the Geneva Bible you'll see that the Savior lived; not just in the hearts and souls of his followers, but on Earth itself.


Notice the swastikas at the front of the pedestal of teacher Shenrab's murti (form)?

Think of this:

The earliest Cross displayed by the followers of King Jesus…was a even cross (axis thought to represent the four corners of the year (astro-theology adjacent), or the 4 main evangelists) (as persisted and shown at the Fort overlooking the Bosphorus, called Yaros; which features Twin Towers).

The same symbol which appears there evokes, with slight changes/ amplification, the SwaStika. (Emblem of the Great SELF)

SWA ("self") stika (Mark)

Swastika represents as whirling or twirling (alive, not fixed) Cross - which implies movement and freedom; rather than stasis or death. "Feet" are added to the cross, which represent direction of motion.

The overall impression of the original sign at Yaros, is of a living thing, a Tree. picrel

There are little shamrock-like signs. "Whirly-gigs" in each corner - to show a living tradition, of eternal life?

The swastika was inverted by Satanists, such as Crowley and Adolf, to spin an opposite different direction (left-handed?). This was likely to represent death, which they worship.


Shenrab's swastika has feet pointing to the left, implying right-ward motion.

The Nazi sign has feet pointing to the right, implying leftward (sinister) motion. Also, called by occult tradition "Widdershins"


(Can't locate the info on the "3-spinner" at the moment; But "E" "W" "M" and "3" are the same letter rotated.)

The "swastika" sign implies movement and rotation.

The directionality of existence/ creation is the "arrow of time" vector. Only by 4 dimensions can our experiences manifest.


Remember the name of the Rothschild scion is ALEPH-antis. Aleph = A the prime or first letter of the ALPHA -bet.

the letter itself implies motion or creation. picrel

Anonymous ID: ce966c Sept. 4, 2024, 10:20 a.m. No.21532215   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2241 >>2247


The arch - cup -looks like horns? at the bottom of the Yaros emblem (see first image to the left in the above posting)


The trans-females (drag queens) followed a female goddess in the ancient world; cut off their genitalia, etc. So the worship of the Mother, without balance, (Mother Earth, Green new deal) is known to lead to weird sacrifices; even Human sacrifices known to connect with the "Earth Goddesses"


is associated with the crescent Moon; The womb of Marian; the Mother of the Great King.

I believe the crescent of the Arabs was a positive symbol to start (as they most all are; as most all symbols are).

It was always combined with a star.

The leftists (left handed occultists "sinister") have limited creativity. Only by God's participation can they obtain their limited power and talent. Therefor the best they can do, what they fall back upon, is reversal, inversion and perversion of what the Right side does? kek

They ("demons") have to have something to copy. They have no creativity of their own.

Can we see that strongly revealed in the devolution of the Harris campaign.

All she can do is weakly copy Trump and try to brush everything off with a giggle an a "but I'm the popular girl" - High School type stance?


Looks like "Red Cross" appropriated the Crescent.

Makes sense if they were originally Knights Templar lineage from Constantinople / Istanbul, who fought there or maybe came from there?

Notice the upside down cross on the "City of London" crest "Coat of Arms" ?

What does the "Coat" cover?

Anonymous ID: ce966c Sept. 4, 2024, 10:29 a.m. No.21532241   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2309


Can we see that principle, of "The left can't Meme" strongly revealed in the devolution of the Harris campaign? It can only copy what is already there?


That's why they close one eye?

One dimension only?

There's no depth with one eye?

So they can't dig either?

They are handicapped by their owners? Forced to blind one eye, so there's only one left?

One eyes are in Syria, the UN and Mass Media plants?

Anonymous ID: ce966c Sept. 4, 2024, 11:39 a.m. No.21532543   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2610


that too.


Like I wrote

"Earth Mothers"

"Earth"= undifferentiated material world.

"Nature" without redemption.

cruel and violent and careless Nature.

The St. John the Divine Cathedral is all about "Nature Worship" and left agenda.

They have a sculpture of the Pan god, outside, the Chimera. picrel

The cathedral depicted the destruction of NYC carved in stone as decoration on their Gothic exterior, before the 9/11 attack event.,

See link below

Moloch is a "Pan" animal, a chimera- not one animal.

It's misapprehended as a

"Bull" or an "Owl" Lion / Eagle

? individual. Since they mixed them into sludge.

so those four are mixed, and then others mixed in too

(see the sculpture. The detail shows the upside-down head of a demon)

Pan = the all, undistinguished.

Shit is the same as Food, idea.

It's a mix of all animals.

Like thalidomide babies or monsters who die because their bodies fail.

At least 4 that traditionally represent the Savior Christ

teacher are mixed.





Indiscriminate "Equality"

No organs.

"everything is equal, in death and destruction"

"All are equal in the grave"


That is Moloch, who eats babies.

Lowest energy level is equal to the highest.

Lowest common denominator makes everyone equal.

So they don't discriminate between Good and Evil.

"All is One"

"Do what thou wilt is the whole of the Law" = freedom to them.

in their weird ignorant way.

The symbol you showed had the horns and the Sun

The horns is the womb, The Sun is the one who fucks the Earth with it's warmth and energy.

(no offense, that's the root of the word Fuck. to plant)

It takes two.

The Nature religions worshipped the Sun and the Moon.

Male and Female principle.

The moon crescent in the early Cross emblem


represents Marian the mother of King Jesus, the Savior.

The Tree of Life, which bears healing fruit growing out of her.

The Tree of Life is not the Cross of Death.

Baal was also worshiped as a single pole; a phallus.

They can only take positive symbols, symbols of positive things and pervert them.

So the symbols have two meanings

Anonymous ID: ce966c Sept. 4, 2024, 11:52 a.m. No.21532610   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The horns is the womb, The Sun is the one who fucks the Earth with it's warmth and energy.


also can represent a cup.

if it's turn 90 degrees.

To be "horns" same thing

So the crescent moon also represents

the grail. The Cup. A receptacle - to receive.

The cup the Great Savior drank from during the secret supper = when he was arrested by Roman soldiers?

The perverts want to find it?probably to to use it in their spells?

Whatever; they can never win.