It's getting close to VaticanClown's bedtime. Won't be much longer. He usually goes quiet in the afternoons, most likely when the harmless clown at the keyboard overseeing all that schizophrenic fake takes his sleep.
KEK. Kamala's speech writer had the shooting all cued up on the teleprompter for her to exploit for political gain.
Looks like a small crowd either way.
She's pandering. Stroking egos.
KEK. All the professionally printed signs that all look the same, held behind her for the camera, just like the professionally printed signs that are used where ANTIFA protests.
>"Hey man, why is your bag so heavy? Is it full of books?"
Carry 80-100 lbs of textbooks on you at all times for a couple years because you never wanted to waste the fee on a locker and you'll shred yours calves in no time.
Yeah, you can stop trying to tell people what to think and do anytime, faggot. Filtered. At least your gimmick is easy identification for filter after seeing that your content is just delusional noise.
What's the matter, faggot? Not in the mood to imitate like a broken down bitch?
Drop the "we" and the virtue signaling the depths of your righteousness. Just talk about yourself without trying to make it sound grandiose.
It was the obsequious sucking up in another post, not his virtue signalling that set off my radar. How does one even use the internet for years with an income of 0?
I just realized too. It's the clowns that bake that do the imitating.
Failfag. Imposter. Mimic. Angry Inch. Simple Legion. Copying another filename. When you give everyone else the same treatment then you'll have a leg to stand on, because I'm not the only one here that used an avatar or named his files. Fractured fraudulent failure of a deep state lapdog. As long as I'm here you're never going to get away with it. I'm not a meme, but you're trying to take everything other than the memes that come from me.
4 dead, 9 injured. September 4. 9th month, 4th day.
Looks like it's a reflection of the side of his head facing the mirror. Not a separate person.
I suspect it's partly to memory hole the tranny shooter manifesto that was released yesterday. The implications of them covering it up and for whom are pretty damning.
KEK. Paid clowns imitate mainly one individual here. That should tell me something but all I see myself as is the nobody I am IRL. I must be something significant to them if they're trying to destroy and water down with imitation. If they're threatened by a nobody posting anonymously then they going to be so fucked when the time comes.
I've also been wondering if all the "from above" drone footage is for the odd design. Looks like an eye.
Is it just me or is anyone else noticing news anchors looking like shit in the mornings? Like they're hungover.
He's 6'9", the lad can take care of himself with ease. He's got balls like his dad walking into a far-left indoctrination center like that.