Anonymous ID: df3f7c Sept. 4, 2024, 2:17 p.m. No.21533288   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What if hydrocarbons are a RENEWABLE resource of Mother Earth


What if hydrocarbons are not a “scarce” resource derived exclusively from “fossilized” life forms of the past?


What if hydrocarbons have always been renewable, not just from biological feedstocks, like pine, hemp, or bamboo, but as the fundamental precursor of life itself renewed continuously by our Mother Earth?


Did you know that natural hydrocarbon seepage from subsurface petroleum accumulations is a natural source of the atmospheric carbon cycle?


Did you know that a prominent theory on the origin of life is based on the biochemical study of naturally occurring bitumen at the Earth’s surface?


Did you know if you put the element boron into a pool of bitumen that you will observe the spontaneous formation of ribose, the simple sugar precursor of RNA, the oldest known genomic replication system of life?


What if a parasitic class of people wanted to monopolize petroleum as an energy resource the same way other oligarchs have monopolized our monetary system?


Might such monopolists support an early scientific theory that so called “fossil fuels” were “NON-renewable” in order to control its market share & profit potential?


Some say it was John D. Rockefeller who supported this “fossil fuel” narrative, the same wealthy man who said “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers.”


Would it be profitable to selectively fund scientific research designed to support the “fossil fuel” scarcity theory while suppressing empirical evidence that refutes it?


Very few doubt that man made carbon emissions have had measurable effects here on the Earth. For example, satellite imagery has shown a 14% increase in greening of the planet that is due to man made versus natural CO2 emissions.


The problem is that the entire field of climate science is one created by wealthy oligarchs with an openly stated agenda. This isn’t a “conspiracy theory”, it’s a historical fact. Anyone is free to read the Club of Rome’s own writings from the early 1970’s where they laid out their future plans to blame mankind (the public) for “global warming” so they could have a common enemy to justify building a one world corporate government, their NWO, or Tower of Babel 2.0.


From a psychological perspective, this use of collective guilt was precisely how a corrupted Church of Rome used “Original Sin” to control the masses for 2000 years. When the Club replaced its old church dogma with scientism, “global warming/man made climate change” became man’s Original Sin 2.0.


However, Club of Rome can’t blame massive volcanic eruptions like Tonga on “man-made” carbon emissions. Nor can they explain the unprecedented accelerating decrease in Earth’s magnetic field strength making us much more vulnerable to space weather (solar winds, CMEs and cosmic rays), which is why people in their 70’s are witnessing beautiful auroras for the first time in their lives at mid latitudes from relatively mild to moderate solar storms. These solar induced planetary changes have also been observed on other planets in our solar system over the last 2 decades, but these facts are never considered in the public conversation on climate change.


While burning oil, gas & coal pollutes our atmosphere, it’s cleaner than burning wood (think Germany in recent winters). Mining coal is also bad for the environment, but we now know how to burn it cleanly and it’s by product, fly ash has many great industrial uses.


Many 3rd world countries are now learning to make biochar locally, which is renewable, relatively clean burning, and has many valuable uses. We are also rediscovering how to make Terra preta, that wonderfully rich hydrocarbon compost that our human ancestors used to create the rich biological diversity of the Amazon rainforest.


Engaging with our local natural environment to meet our own energy needs seems so much more life fulfilling than being paid to plug in & veg out inside an artificial metaverse.


More than 99% of our existence as a species has been sitting around camp fires at night, so our biology is well adapted to brief exposures to burned hydrocarbons, but our genomes haven’t adapted to 1000’s of synthetic toxins (eg glyphosate, bisphenol, etc.) we continue to be exposed to for the past 200 years. Why is all this genuine pollution, which is exponentially driving up our healthcare costs, always ignored while we are forced to focus exclusively on controlling CO2 emissions instead?


It’s time we face the #TRUTH. Accepting a zero carbon future is a SUICIDE pact. We need to make a choice and be vocal about it NOW while we still have some freedom of speech.


WE can choose to be nurturers again OR passively destroy ourselves for the benefit of parasites.