Anonymous ID: eea97f Sept. 4, 2024, 5:19 p.m. No.21534252   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>4276



Dr. Phil makes fun of MAGA, Trump supporters and Trump!


DR. PHIL is no friend of Trump or MAGA and he wants to have a major impact on the election!!


Dr. Phil intends to have a major impact on the 2024 election… and he doesn’t like Trump.


At the 49:34 mark of this video, Bill Maher talks about Trump, explains why Trump was elected, says Trump's a moron and a complete narcissist etc.


At the 50:32 mark of this video, Dr. Phil speaks on President Donald J. Trump, Trump supporters and MAGA negatively. Dr. Phil gets upset at the idea of Trump Supporters thinking Trump is a “straight-talker.” And he says when Trump uses the phrase, MAGA (Make America Great Again) he says, “That doesn’t make you a straight talker! That’s just a simple sentence to speak to the least!”

…to the least? Dr. Phil EXPOSED!


At the 58:02 mark of this video, Dr. Phil says, “Think about this! I’m launching my show in January of 2024. Election year. I intend to have a major impact on what happens… and I do intend to have an impact on that election.”

