you add nothing to the conversation, you are worthless.
thank you for input to the conversation that adds value.
I still think you might not have the whole picture, but understand part of it.
first alignment with each other:
monsanto is evil (true statement, can be backed by empirical evidence of their nefarious business practices)
we are being poisoned by chemtrails (false statement, no actual evidence of this exists, and we are actually being poisoned by multitude of other things that are greatly more important to our conversation)
i understand you guys want to talk about the evils around us, but lets focus on where they are actually hurting us, such as household chemicals. Chemtrails adds nothing to the conversation other than makes us look crazy to normies (even if it turns out later that it is true, right now there is no actual evidence that it is true, and Q has never pointed us in this way).