Anonymous ID: 7a150c Sept. 5, 2024, 5:38 a.m. No.21536532   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670 >>6865




Now do Venezuela…


Which is a TEST BTW…what does a country do when a leader will not leave power. I think his opponent was a gladio guy, however, I also think a test is being run to see how long he can stay before someone kicks him out and who will kick him out?


This is a dry run for here. Harris cannot win and will get SMOKED in the election. However, the D's will claim foreign interference and also that 45 is a felon and attempt to NOT LEAVE OFFICE in order to "preserve the democracy". We need to get in front of this narrative as much as possible and WRECK it…

Anonymous ID: 7a150c Sept. 5, 2024, 5:49 a.m. No.21536563   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This guy…he is an angry little guy…


HOWEVER, he has put Gen Flynn and others in a BAD SITUATION with all his DATEFAGGING…


And now he begs…



, release every communication


participated in:

-Twitter DMs

-Twitter Emails

-Twitter Internal Slack Channel comms

-Twitter Issued Laptop Comms data (all apps used)

-Twitter Issued Computer Comms data (all apps used)

-Twitter Issued Tablet Comms data (all apps used)

-Twitter Issued phone Comms data(all apps used)



Go ahead and subpoena all of the above and start doing the link analysis to expose the RICO style Censorship industrial complex scheme that Jim was at the center of that:


a. Resulted in the Genocide, cover for Biden Criminal Syndicate Laptop, electoral Bribery scheme admission letter by Zucks.


b. resulted in the stolen 2020 election


c. promoted unsafe and ineffective products (jabs, masks, tests, ventilators, remdesivir)


This will trigger Criminal and Civil causes of action at scale that will ruin the Deep State Target List! Let's do this in time for the Debate on Sep 10, just like the Spies who lied did before the Debate between




back in 2020 when they covered up the Biden Criminal Syndicate Laptop.


surely was the coordinator of that for Twitter and likely all of BigTech.