Anonymous ID: f02157 Sept. 5, 2024, 5:33 a.m. No.21536509   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6516

one picture is worth a 1000 words vs s a video


Heb_7:2 To whomG3739 alsoG2532 AbrahamG11 gaveG3307 a tenth partG1181 ofG575 all;G3956 firstG4412 G3303 being by interpretationG2059 KingG935 of righteousness,G1343 andG1161 after thatG1899 alsoG2532 KingG935 of Salem,G4532 which is,G3603 KingG935 of peace;G1515

Heb_11:31 By faithG4102 theG3588 harlotG4204 RahabG4460 perishedG4881 notG3756 with them that believed not,G544 when she had receivedG1209 theG3588 spiesG2685 withG3326 peace.G1515

Heb_12:14 FollowG1377 peaceG1515 withG3326 allG3956 men, andG2532 holiness,G38 withoutG5565 whichG3739 no manG3762 shall seeG3700 theG3588 Lord:G2962

Heb_13:20 NowG1161 theG3588 GodG2316 of peace,G1515 that brought againG321 fromG1537 the deadG3498 ourG2257 LordG2962 Jesus,G2424 that greatG3173 shepherdG4166 of theG3588 sheep,G4263 throughG1722 the bloodG129 of the everlastingG166 covenant,G1242

Jas_2:16 AndG1161 oneG5100 ofG1537 youG5216 sayG2036 unto them,G846 DepartG5217 inG1722 peace,G1515 be ye warmedG2328 andG2532 filled;G5526 notwithstandingG1161 ye giveG1325 themG846 notG3361 those things which are needfulG2006 to theG3588 body;G4983 whatG5101 doth it profit?G3786

Jas_3:18 AndG1161 the fruitG2590 of righteousnessG1343 is sownG4687 inG1722 peaceG1515 of themG3588 that makeG4160 peace.G1515


Anonymous ID: f02157 Sept. 5, 2024, 7:45 a.m. No.21537130   🗄️.is 🔗kun


1Pe_1:2 ElectG1588 accordingG2596 to the foreknowledgeG4268 of GodG2316 the Father,G3962 throughG1722 sanctificationG38 of the Spirit,G4151 untoG1519 obedienceG5218 andG2532 sprinklingG4473 of the bloodG129 of JesusG2424 Christ:G5547 GraceG5485 unto you,G5213 andG2532 peace,G1515 be multiplied.G4129

1Pe_3:11 Let him eschewG1578 evil,G2556 andG2532 doG4160 good;G18 let him seekG2212 peace,G1515 andG2532 ensueG1377 it.G846

1Pe_5:14 GreetG782 ye one anotherG240 withG1722 a kissG5370 of charity.G26 PeaceG1515 be with youG5213 allG3956 thatG3588 are inG1722 ChristG5547 Jesus.G2424 Amen.G281

2Pe_1:2 GraceG5485 andG2532 peaceG1515 be multipliedG4129 unto youG5213 throughG1722 the knowledgeG1922 of God,G2316 andG2532 of JesusG2424 ourG2257 Lord,G2962

2Pe_3:14 Wherefore,G1352 beloved,G27 seeing that ye look forG4328 such things,G5023 be diligentG4704 that ye may be foundG2147 of himG846 inG1722 peace,G1515 without spot,G784 andG2532 blameless.G298

peace is potus late@RSBN?