Anonymous ID: 0bebd9 Sept. 5, 2024, 8:23 a.m. No.21537295   🗄️.is 🔗kun


THIS MOVIE: White Christian fascists are put on national television to create a non-stop hateful hysteria.

REALITY: It’s anti-white black and brown ethno-narcissists who are doing this.


THIS MOVIE: White Christian fascists systematically sexually abuse little girls with the complicity of authorities.

REALITY: It is gangs of Pakistani Muslims who are doing this.


THIS MOVIE: White Christian fascists perform secret medical experimentation on humans for nefarious political purposes.

REALITY: It is LGBT "rights" activits who are doing this, though perhaps not-so-secretly.


THIS MOVIE:White Christian fascists are arresting people for simply expressing a political opinion.

REALITY: It’s a government which lauds “diversity, equity, and inclusion” as their highest values who is doing this.


THIS MOVIE: White Christian fascists had colluded with Big Pharma to use a virus as a pretext for greatly expanding the power of the state.

REALITY: It was progressive liberal globalists.