Anonymous ID: 535db3 Sept. 5, 2024, 7:56 a.m. No.21537192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7196 >>7200 >>7204 >>7207 >>7223 >>7225 >>7227 >>7249 >>7427 >>7709 >>7910

The Euthanasia Op: Don’t Succumb to Hollywood’s “Choose Death” Programming


By Catherine Austin Fitts


Independent journalist Celia Farber has tracked the “death cult” enabled by Big Medicine and Big Pharma ever since the AIDS era. In a September 3 post at her Truth Barrier Substack, she chillingly notes that a new movie by well-known Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar—his first English-language film—not only glamorizes euthanasia but received a 17-minute standing ovation at the film’s Venice Film Festival premiere. At a press conference, Almodóvar openly described the film as “pro-euthanasia” and his death-choosing heroine as someone to admire.


Full Report:



Anonymous ID: 535db3 Sept. 5, 2024, 8:45 a.m. No.21537368   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7391 >>7404 >>7427 >>7709 >>7910

NEWS: FDA & CDC websites finally prove that HHS knows the mRNA COVID jabs ARE gene therapy.


Screenshots below are from the FDA and CDC respectively. They show that the mRNA shots do enter your cells. They also state that and that the definition of a gene therapy is a product that inserts of genetic material into your cells. While I have been discussing this for several years now the mainstream media and corrupt government officials continue to suggest that these poisons are not gene therapy products.


This is relatively important in the legal sense as gene therapy products may be legally distinct from vaccines and an argument could be made that these poisons are not and never were properly categorized as vaccines under the law. It is also important in light of the 2006 FDA Industry Guidance document that specifically discussed cancer and autoimmune disorders as delayed adverse events that could occur through the use of gene therapy drugs (link in the thread). Turbo cancer anyone?


Here is the industry guidance document from the FDA: