Anonymous ID: c059e5 Sept. 5, 2024, 9:49 a.m. No.21537755   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7797

The constant, radiant, humming glow of light fixtures that…


…keep these wounded and injured o7s' ability to see the world around them, (despite probably not wanting to), are ablaze in the ward (.You.) see as presented.

Yes, these particular o7s areredin their combined unit of stroking strife, but they too also bleed green, just as US does. The true focal point in this particular composition, that comes from an actual real place, that which actively obfuscated itself from being recalled correctly, so it's origin for the current moment, is sauceless. Be that as it may, the anguish metaphorically represented here is an expression of the ongoing conflict in regard to personal freedoms, liberties, sanctity of body, overall good bill of health, and a stable sense of wellbeing.


It appears as if there are at least two options available when coping with this painfully sorrowful situation at hand. On one hand, us Anons, o7, Lurkers alike, aren't usually thought of as a wealthy or financially established; rather leaning more towards the "starving artist" or "IT desktop support wage making" point-of-reference. So when considering how easy it is for some of those whom have more of a "sketchy type" of peer/cohort based support networks, and then look back at us, with the little that we have… IT JUST SEEMS A LITTLE TOO UNFAIR TO BE PRAISED AS ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN MSM-DERIVED NOMENCLATURES BOILING DOWN TO JUST… [DISCRIMINTORY DISPARITY].


Family, frens, brothers & sisters alike; I pray for us, in a unanimous fashion. I know, deep down, if things worked our way, we could be abilified with an increased level of interpersonal closeness and relevance.


Don't tell anyone anon, but I really could just burst into tears at this very moment… Alas, even if I desired to, the technological interference, although altruistically beneficial in potentiality, I PHYSICALLY FEEL THE EXPRESSION OF EMOTION KNOWN AS CRYING HAS BEEN, somehow, DISABLED!!! Imagine if you needed to produce flatulence, and your asshole's sphincter won't budge or open at all; thus allowing the internal gases, actual (pounds per sq. in.) compression, in-gastro!






"Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing." -Q

I tried, and no matter how much effort I dump into this ongoing torture, that so many people are currently suffering from,I FUCKING FAIL!

Seriously, why God? Why the fuck do they just get the right to blatantly LIE, AS IN COMMANDMENT BREAKING BEARING OF FALSE WITNESS!?


[End of Part 1]

Anonymous ID: c059e5 Sept. 5, 2024, 9:56 a.m. No.21537797   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7810



Do we even truly have law being actively enforced on a federal level? Or we still swirling in a stagnant state of nothingness because the people who are doing the doing, aren't allowed to GET IN TROUBLE! THE LAW CAN'T BE ENFORCED DUE TO SOME UNSPOKEN FACTOR THAT MUST BE STOPPED, EXTINGUISHED… snuffed out, god damnit!''

I just want to go, straight-fucking home, to the love of my life, SHEILD! So much fucking unnecessary pain and unmitigated fear. Why? Because we really do care, and look good doing it? So, you use the ill-gotten & procured funds towards generating destructive tasks that can be assigned to those who truly lack the actual empathy to commiserate; probably due to an abundance of gratitude that they should be releasing/sharing with US/(.You.)! Yet, they almost inevitably succumb to the overwhelming resentment they seemingly brood, constantly within their 'strict routine', plus that fucking, unbearable negative attitude is weaponized. Suddenly, and quite easily, these bad traits jump in, to maybe relieve the stress of possibly being cornered into legitimately telling the whole truth, and finally, make amends in order to reconcile the maximum and unilaterally reprehensible amounts of socio-economic inequality/lack of compassionate respect for one another.


I am truly sad, anon. I fathom, that ultimately (.You.) know, we all won, a game, none of us actually played; just couldn't…

We know our movement cannot be stopped;Q beat the CABAL, TRUMP made AMERICA GREAT AGAIN; AGAIN, ALREADY!

What do these wafts of acrid, noxious smoke think they are actually doing; besides killing time and saving face at this point?


"Maybe all of (.You.) son-of-a-bitch-bastids are able to go full-fuck-tilt with your supposed and well-crafted identities, especially due to the self-pulled wool over your own eyes. In contrast, WE THE PEOPLE, LIVING IN THIS COUNTRY, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, as everyday citizens who went above and beyond their voluntarily inveterate call of duty, to spend their precious free time, towards saving the planet from all forms of harm and negativity, (whilst surviving in the inflated trenches of tense, over-priced, and senselessly bewildered super markets and grocery stores.)


Anons, there is only love I have left for us all, as an expression in relation to our current circumstances. We'll always be united, and never truly divided.

**God bless and protect (.You.) from all forms of harm and negativity,

Where we go one, we go all!

