Anonymous ID: 977b7f Sept. 5, 2024, 11:42 a.m. No.21538282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8288



Was Omicron a Creation of Operation Warp-speed?


REMINDER: COVID-19 became an endemic coronavirus variant with a 10 fold drop in mortality by March 2022 after all previous pathological GOF bioweapon variants were rendered extinct world wide by the broad herd immunity Omicron transmission provided naturally.


Thus, the original GOF pathogenic COVID viral bioweapon released in 2019 HAS BEEN EXTINCT NOW FOR 2.5 years!


The only THREAT that REMAINS is unfounded FEAR MONGERING designed to get the ignorant SHEEPLE to poison themselves AGAIN & AGAIN with pathogenic spike protein producing mRNA jabs and mutagenic & ineffective BIG PHARMA antivirals.