Anonymous ID: b592f2 Sept. 5, 2024, 1:20 p.m. No.21538592   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin Endorses Comrades

Subcommittee on Communications May 1, 1969:


2Jn_1:3 GraceG5485 beG2071 withG3326 you,G5216 mercy,G1656 and peace,G1515 fromG3844 GodG2316 the Father,G3962 andG2532 fromG3844 the LordG2962 JesusG2424 Christ,G5547 theG3588 SonG5207 of theG3588 Father,G3962 inG1722 truthG225 andG2532 love.G26

3Jn_1:14 ButG1161 I trustG1679 I shall shortlyG2112 seeG1492 thee,G4571 andG2532 we shall speakG2980 face to face.G4750 G4314 G4750 PeaceG1515 be to thee.G4671 Our friendsG5384 saluteG782 thee.G4571 GreetG782 theG3588 friendsG5384 byG2596 name.G3686

Jud_1:2 MercyG1656 unto you,G5213 andG2532 peace,G1515 andG2532 love,G26 be multiplied.G4129

Rev_1:4 JohnG2491 to theG3588 sevenG2033 churchesG1577 whichG3588 are inG1722 Asia:G773 GraceG5485 be unto you,G5213 andG2532 peace,G1515 fromG575 him which is, and which was, and which is to come;G3801 andG2532 fromG575 theG3588 sevenG2033 SpiritsG4151 whichG3739 areG2076 beforeG1799 hisG848 throne;G2362

Rev_6:4 AndG2532 there went outG1831 anotherG243 horseG2462 that was red:G4450 andG2532 power was givenG1325 to himG846 that satG2521 thereonG1909 G846 to takeG2983 peaceG1515 fromG575 theG3588 earth,G1093 andG2532 thatG2443 they should killG4969 one another:G240 andG2532 there was givenG1325 unto himG846 a greatG3173 sword.G3162
