Anonymous ID: b8275e Sept. 5, 2024, 12:23 p.m. No.21538414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8451 >>8533 >>8734 >>8749



Wait, What? Prosecutors Urge Hunter Biden Judge To Reject Plea Deal

By Tyler Durden THURSDAY, SEP 05, 2024

Update (1505ET): It would appear that Hunter Biden doesn't have a nicely arranged plea deal with the DOJ after all - as prosecutors have urged the judge in the case to reject his proposal to plead guilty.


Of note, Hunter is attempting to plead guilty via an "Alford plea," which would have to be approved by the prosecution and higher-ups at the DOJ.


It appears they were caught off guard.


Hunter Biden's lawyers announced on Thursday that the first son will plead guilty in his $1.4 million tax evasion case.


"Mr. Biden intends to change his plea this morning," Hunter's lawyer Abbe Lowell told the judge in a Los Angeles federal courtroom, with the younger Biden facing trial on nine federal charges for failing to pay federal taxes from 2016 - 2019.


If convicted, Hunter faced up to 17 years behind bars. He currently faces up to 25 years behind bars when he's sentenced in November for a conviction on gun charges.

Anonymous ID: b8275e Sept. 5, 2024, 1:01 p.m. No.21538542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8749




FBI raids NYC homes of two top Mayor Adams aides, Sheena Wright and Phil Banks

By Craig McCarthy, Larry Celona and Matt Troutman Published Sep. 5, 2024, 1:18 p.m. ET


FBI agents raided the homes of two top aides to Mayor Eric Adams — Phil Banks and Sheena Wright — early Wednesday, law enforcement sources confirmed.


The raids — first reported by The City — unfolded simultaneously about 5 a.m. at Wright’s elegant West 143rd Street home in Harlem and Banks’ Queens home, according to the sources.


An FBI spokesperson declined to comment to The Post on Thursday but did not deny that federal agents visited both addresses.


The law enforcement action marks a jaw-dropping escalation in the federal investigations swirling around Adams.


The raids’ precise purpose remained unclear Thursday, but a source with knowledge of the probe said investigators have been trying to flip someone close to Adams, who has not been accused of wrongdoing.


Wright, as the city’s first deputy mayor, is the closest Adams aide to have her home raided by the feds. Banks, a longtime Adams ally, serves as his deputy mayor for public safety.


Adams has now seen federal agents search the properties of five allies, including his top campaign fundraiser Brianna Suggs, amid allegations of a kickback scheme involving City Hall and the Turkish government.


A source familiar with the matter told The Post the raids did not appear to be related to the Turkey investigation.


Hizzoner himself has previously been slapped with a grand jury subpoena, as were City Hall officials and his campaign, in July by federal prosecutors digging into his 2021 election fundraising. He also had his electronic devices seized as part of the investigation.


Adams has repeatedly denied wrongdoing.


“Investigators have not indicated to us the mayor or his staff are targets of any investigation,” said City Hall Chief Counsel Lisa Zornberg, in a statement.


“As a former member of law enforcement, the mayor has repeatedly made clear that all members of the team need to follow the law.”


Banks is the brother of Phil Banks, who himself was named by the feds as an unindicted co-conspirator in a sweeping federal police corruption case years ago.


David Banks, when spotted Thursday leaving the Harlem home he shares with Wright by The Post, dodged questions about the raid.


More sauce:


FBI raids homes of two top NYC officials close to Mayor Eric Adams, sources say

Among the individuals targeted in the searches were First Deputy Mayor Sheena Wright and Deputy Mayor for Public Safety Philip Banks III, officials said.


FBI searches the homes of at least three top deputies to New York City’s mayor

BY JAKE OFFENHARTZ Updated 3:42 PM EDT, September 5, 2024

Anonymous ID: b8275e Sept. 5, 2024, 1:11 p.m. No.21538572   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Doesn't meet the specs for a "State"


Canada #58 >>20883212

Palestine Fails the Test of Statehood

by Antonio Graceffo May. 17, 2024


There are four conditions for statehood; Palestine arguably meets one of them.


The most widely accepted definition of a sovereign nation is found in the Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, which was adopted at the Seventh International Conference of American States in Montevideo, Uruguay, in 1933. The Montevideo Convention lays out the criteria for statehood, including a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and the capacity to enter into relations with other states. These criteria are widely accepted as the basic requirements for statehood in international law.


1) Defined Territory: The entity seeking statehood must have a clearly defined territory over which it exercises sovereignty. Palestine does not meet this criterion. The original mandate granted it the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem. However, these territories are not contiguous, and the Palestinians are demanding more territory, including the whole of Jerusalem. Hamas, moreover, wants all of Israel. Thus, there is no clearly defined territory for Palestine, and even the Palestinians have not agreed on what their territory should be.


2) Permanent Population: The entity must have a permanent population residing within its defined territory. This is the only criterion that Palestine more or less meets, as Gaza and the West Bank do have a permanent population. However, the phrase "within its defined territory" suggests that the territory of Palestine would need to be clearly established first before it can be said to have a permanent population within that territory.


3) Government: The entity must have a functioning government capable of exercising control and authority over its territory and population. Palestine fails this test. Power in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank is divided among three entities: the Palestinian Authority, the terrorist organization Hamas, and the state of Israel. Generally, the Palestinian Authority exerts control over the West Bank, Hamas over Gaza, and Israel over both. Therefore, it cannot be said that Palestine has a functioning government.


4) Capacity to Enter into Relations with Other States: The entity must possess the capacity to enter into relations with other states, indicating its independence and sovereignty. Palestine does not have the authority to enter into international agreements or treaties. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), previously designated as a terrorist organization, represents Palestine at international bodies but does not hold memberships or voting rights in those bodies. For example, the PLO has permanent observer status at the UN.


These criteria are widely recognized as the fundamental requirements for statehood in international law. Most countries and international organizations adhere to the principles laid out in the convention. Additionally, the criteria specified in the convention are commonly used by governments, legal scholars, and international bodies to determine the statehood of entities seeking recognition as sovereign states. Therefore, the definition provided by the Montevideo Convention is broadly accepted by the international community.


UN members recently voted to recognize Palestine. According to the UN Charter, "States are admitted to membership in the United Nations by a decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council." However, as a member of the Security Council, the US exercised its veto power, preventing Palestine's admission.

Anonymous ID: b8275e Sept. 5, 2024, 1:46 p.m. No.21538674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8680 >>8699


>1) Started a war with Ukraine while Trump was out of office

Had more than enough provocation, clowns underestimated Ivan, again

>2) Tried to buy U1 through Hillary

I believe they succeeded, just wondering where Killary offshored the money

>3) Started a competing currency BRICS

About friggin time somebody did

>4) Allied with China

Not the first time

>5) Randomly sends submarines to Cuba without authorization

Only authorization they need comes from Cuba

Anonymous ID: b8275e Sept. 5, 2024, 2:17 p.m. No.21538794   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your playbook is as ineffective as it is old, but I know shills are not allowed to deviate from it


General Research #23139 >>18851346


Not going to work anymore. The cycles are becoming clearer. Gore and cp to test the defenses, then cycle through tons of muh joo, then racist/white supremacy, then some slide like "RRN is legit" and then when the garbage gets tossed, scream "muh censorship"

Bitch about BO and BVs and the truly retarded among you bitch about bakers deleting stuff all you want, not going to work, not going to change anything.

So what's next on the schedule? Dick pics, Blacked porn? Tranny porn? The gore seems mostly reserved for night shift.

Ah, I got it, I revealed the rotations so it has to be accuse everybody possible of being a fed, or some alphabet agency