Anonymous ID: b8cd37 Sept. 5, 2024, 12:39 p.m. No.21538477   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Was this some of what PDJT was talking about today?


• Defund DEI: Pass legislation to prohibit federal funding for programs that are only

designed to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in the government or the

private sector.

• Cut Politicized Agencies: In recent years, agencies like the Federal Trade Commission

(FTC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) have been partially transformed into liberal

political activist arms of the Democratic Party. Congress should temporarily limit

funding for agencies pursuing a political agenda like the FTC.

• Relocated Environmental Enforcement: Eliminate the Environmental Protection Agency

and shift its authorities to other relevant agencies, saving more than $250 billion over

ten years.

• Zero Out Programs: Many discretionary programs are wasteful, duplicative, or

unnecessary and should be eliminated. Below is a non-exhaustive list to give Congress a

head start.

Politicians often talk about the national debt. When it comes to outlining specific spending

reductions, however, our leaders have failed. The fear of taking away a government

program has paralyzed lawmakers and driven America to the edge of fiscal ruin.

Americans are now experiencing the painful consequences of Congressional inaction on

spending reform. Spending-driven inflation is up by nearly 20% since President Biden took

office. The government tries to address that inflation by raising interest rates, which in turn

increases the cost of servicing American debt. The cycle will continue until we are in a

fiscal death spiral.

Advancing American Freedom believes it is critical to name and explain specific spending

cuts. We will continue to lead the way by identifying credible ways to reduce U.S. debt. The

next step is for politicians to match their actions with their rhetoric. 2025 will provide a

golden opportunity.


• Overseas Private Investment Corporation

• Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

• Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturing Loan Program

• HOME Investment Partnerships Program

• Community