Anonymous ID: ba039f Sept. 5, 2024, 11:01 a.m. No.21538101   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8147 >>8564

America is going to be a losing dystopian four year battle if the use of military force isn't executed against the constant washington DC and federal democratic tyranny.

The country has been forever radically changed, a constant four year cycle of battling against conservative principles and democratic communist principals.

The communist in DC have control.

America wasn't designed to be like Zimbabwe.

Democratic communism needs to be destroyed.

The political landscape in the United States should not be a choice between liberty and freedom, and the rule of government with democratic communist tyranny.

America is a full spectrum reality of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

There is no place in the American political spectrum for an active communist party masquerading as the democratic party.

The evil idea that you can brainwash enough people to vote for communist democratic leadership is subversion.

The country and its history can then be changed to a vision of a democratic communist concentration camp, this is not a constitutional American right or a reality, this is tyranny.