Anonymous ID: 5be98a Sept. 6, 2024, 11:41 a.m. No.21543464   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3473 >>3474 >>3835 >>4036

Biden Admits “Inflation Reduction Act” was actually the “Green New Deal” Con


September 6, 2024 | Sundance1/3

With pretenses being dropped, Joe Biden is now admitting the “Inflation Reduction Act” had nothing to do with inflation, but was -factually- the severe leftist “Green New Deal.” This will not come as a surprise to most here, as we discussed this ruse extensively – SEE HERE and SEE HERE.


Allow me to say with clarity how much I appreciate YOU, the CTH members, who have long given up this insufferable game of pretending. There is a comfort amid our association who look at the issues with intellectual honesty and pragmatic insight. YOU make a difference, not only here on these pages of our fellowship, but also amid your family and community who have learned to value your voice. I cherish you.


In the fall of 2022, we accepted the named legislation “Inflation Reduction Act” (IRA) was a legislative misnomer intended to obfuscate the true construct of the bill. The IRA was factually the ‘green new deal’ program packaged under the guise of an ‘inflation reduction’ premise. In order to discuss the outcome of the content the American people are learning to stop the game of pretending around the purpose of the legislation.


First, here is Joe Biden making the admission yesterday in Wisconsin. Everything from the administration behind him is a ruse, a lie and a self-serving construct. WATCH:


Prior to the 51-50 passage of the massive $700+ billion democrat spending bill, they called it the “inflation reduction act.” However, after Senate passage they are now calling it the climate change bill.


Deep inside the legislative language of the falsely titled “inflation reduction act”, aka The Green New Deal legislative vehicle constructed by lobbyists and passed by congress, people are now starting to realize a carbon-trading system was created.


Ultimately, a carbon trading system has always been the holy grail of the people who run the western financial system and want to create mechanisms to control wealth by using the ‘climate change’ agenda.


A carbon trading system is a very lucrative financial transfer mechanism with a potential scale to dwarf the derivative, Wall Street betting, market. Secondarily, such a market would cement the climate change energy policy making it very difficult to reverse. The new creation as explained by the Wall Street Journal, holds similarities to the EPA ethanol program.


BACKGROUND – The Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) is a government mandate, passed in 2005 and expanded in 2007, that requires growing volumes of biofuels to be blended into U.S. transportation fuels like gasoline and diesel every year. Approximately 40 percent of corn grown in the U.S. is used for ethanol. Raising the amount of ethanol required in gasoline will result in the need for more biofuel (corn).


The EPA enforces the biofuel standard by requiring refineries to submit purchase credits (known as Renewable Identification Numbers, or RINs) to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proving the purchases. This enforcement requirement sets up a system where the RIN credits are bought and sold by small refineries who do not have the infrastructure to do the blending process. They purchase second-hand RIN credits from parties that blended or imported biofuels directly. This sets up a secondary income stream, a trading market for the larger oil companies, refineries and importers.

Anonymous ID: 5be98a Sept. 6, 2024, 11:43 a.m. No.21543474   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3481 >>3835 >>4036



Understanding how that system operates, back in June I said, ‘the RIN credit trading platform is similar to what we might expect to see if the ‘Carbon Trading’ scheme was ever put into place’. Well, based on the legislation within the Green New Deal/Inflation Reduction Act, that’s exactly what is happening.


(Via Wall Street Journal) – WASHINGTON—A brand-new market for green tax credits is taking shape as bankers and advisers figure out how to funnel tax breaks from energy companies that generate them to profitable corporations eager for smaller tax bills.


The market is forming because Congress last month expanded renewable-energy tax credits and made them transferable in the law known as the Inflation Reduction Act.


[…] The tax-credit sales mark a shift in the U.S. strategy for attracting public and private capital to renewable-energy projects, and they will happen alongside existing climate-finance markets such as carbon offset purchases.


The deals won’t start in earnest until 2023, but lawyers and financiers are already structuring transactions. They are discussing arrangements in which credits would be sold at discounts from face value, and they are determining how to cushion tax-credit buyers against potential risks.


“The conversations are happening. The market making is happening right now,” said Nicholas Knapp, senior managing director at CohnReznick Capital in New York.


Within a year or two, it could be easy for a corporation with no direct renewable-energy investment — a profitable retailer, pharmaceutical maker or high-tech company — to purchase tax credits. Because of the expected discounts, companies could earn an instant profit, paying $90 or $95 for a $100 coupon off their income-tax liability.


These transferable credits, however, expose a potential dilemma for Democrats. The party aimed to raise corporate tax bills and prevent large, profitable companies from paying too little. But the tax-credit transfers open a new avenue for many of those same companies to pay less.


“They can basically purchase the tax credits, advance their ESG goals and get certain economics from the credits without taking any construction or operational risk of the project,” said Hagai Zaifman, a partner at Sidley Austin LLP in New York who helps structure renewable-energy deals. (read more)

We know exactly who we have to thank for this.



The bill itself contains absolutely nothing that will lower inflation; in fact, the bill itself will raise supply-side inflation in direct proportion to the energy production it reduces. To offset the contracted revenue caused by a much smaller economy, the Democrats have doubled the IRS tax army that will enforce personal income tax compliance.


The income tax compliance portion of the bill is very significant on two fronts. First, it literally doubles the size of the IRS, giving them much more power to conduct audits and capture taxes from income earned. As a review of tax audits has shown, the ordinary U.S. taxpayer is the target of this increase enforcement mechanism, not corporate tax review.

Anonymous ID: 5be98a Sept. 6, 2024, 11:45 a.m. No.21543481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3835 >>4036



WASHINGTON – […] The bill, a product of 18 months of intense wrangling, passed by a margin of 51 to 50 on Sunday with Vice-President Kamala Harris casting the deciding vote. It was previously blocked by two Democrat senators who shared Republican concerns about its cost.


The Senate bill includes $369bn for climate action, the second largest investment on Green New Deal spending in US history. The largest bill on climate change was the previous Obama-era American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (AARA), that paid billions of dollars to solar groups (ex. now bankrupt Solyndra) and climate energy companies connected to Democrat donors.


In the current bill, high income households will receive up to $7,500 in tax credits to buy an electric car, or $4,000 for a used car. Rich people will get discounts on their $100,000+ automobiles. Billions more will be spent, yet again, on the production of “clean technology” such as solar panels and wind turbines.


Keeping the cultural war as a top priority, the Senate has also included $60 billion for ‘environmental justice‘ given to the leaders of black communities that have “suffered the most from fossil fuel pollution” according to the bill authors.

This mechanism helps Joe Biden pay back the black community, specifically BLM and the AME church network, who were instrumental in executing the ballot harvesting fraud that pushed Biden into office.


“After more than a year of hard work, the Senate is making history,” Schumer said shortly before final passage. “This bill will kickstart the era of affordable clean energy in America, it’s a game changer, it’s a turning point and it’s been a long time coming.” [link]


And just like that, the inflation reduction language is dropped.


The bill passed containing the same provisions as it always did, it’s the Green New Deal spending and tax proposal.


I dislike these people immensely.

Anonymous ID: 5be98a Sept. 6, 2024, 12:22 p.m. No.21543724   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think the only reason they delayed it is because many, including liberals said they would even vote for him in jail. They wanted to not stir up hatred for Dems (which there is a lot right now because of Kamattack), and prevent 100's of 1000's more voters for Trump.This was strategic move, nothing to do with the law.

Anonymous ID: 5be98a Sept. 6, 2024, 12:53 p.m. No.21543900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3911 >>4036

Welcome Aboard: College Profs Backing Trump



A group of university professors are circulating a petition and a statement among their colleagues to support the Republican ticket in the upcoming presidential election.The project is titled "Lesser Evil."These professors are not MAGA-hatted hardcore conservatives, but citing Adam Smith, they have reached the logical conclusion that fundamental freedoms will be better preserved under a Republican administration than a Democratic one. Theproject is the brainchild of Daniel Klein, a professor at George Mason University, and Daniel Mahoney, professor emeritus of political science at Assumption University. On the website, Klein explains the rationale behind the effort

The group is looking for tenured professors at American universities to sign the petition.The College Fix notes that as of Thursday, 51 professors had signed on, double the number of signatories in late August.

The site also has an interesting graphic showing how Republicans are "less bad" than Democrats regarding various issues.

While we are not seeing a landslide of people shifting from left to right or even from center to right, there is momentum. Ironically, people like these professors, Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr., politicians, and people from all walks of life understand something that easily escapes the Democratic Machine, its celebrities, media figures, et al. It is something that even eludes the Never-Trump conservatives who go to such pains to remind everyone how truly erudite and illumined they are. That thing is this:

At its heart, the whole effort behind electing Trump isn't about Trump. Don't get me wrong, Trump is the consummate celebrity. The point can also be made that he made some very sound decisions while in office. The four years that followed Trump's term bear testimony to that. But Trump is the central issue for those on the Left and the various hangers-on and celebrities and other denizens. Well, Trump and a desire to hold on to power until the universe collapses from entropy.

It is true that there are some dedicated Trump fans out there, and among some of his most ardent supporters, he is steps away from apotheosis. However, for most Trump supporters, particularly those who have recently migrated to the cause, Trump is not the issue.

The issues are, to name a few:

• The decline of free speech and even free thought

• A government that is designed to benefit a small and isolated class of people

• A government that has grown beyond any reasonable size and is only getting bigger

• A ruling class that withholds information, whether it involves a president's son or a pandemic

• The threat of increasing taxes combined with high prices and a scarcity of goods

• A government that cannot manage its affairs with the country's enemies

• U.S. citizens becoming smaller and smaller as governments, local, state, and federal, contort themselves into all sorts of positions to accommodate illegal aliens

• Students who thrive on rage and subsist on gender but are unequipped to function in the real world

• A government that will pursue pro-lifers and school board parents to the ends of the earth while ignoring skyrocketing crime rates and decaying cities

Anonymous ID: 5be98a Sept. 6, 2024, 12:54 p.m. No.21543911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4036



I could go on, but I think I have made my point. Those who are supporting Trump in this election cycle, especially those who have recently "crossed over the line," understand thatour current situation is untenable and that if left unchecked, those in power will put an end to the basic liberties and opportunities of this country. These newcomers may still be liberal or even progressive in every other aspect of their lives, and they may never vote Republican on any other issue. Or they may not like Trump. Brooklyn College Professor Mitchell Langbert told The Fix:


There are many aspects of former president Trump that are undesirable… includ[ing] his monetary and COVID policies, his appointment of Anthony Fauci, and his expansion of federal headcount during his administration. Also, his personnel choices were unwise, and he has managed to alienate many women because of his behaviors.


Langbert also said that the GOP leaders “have done too little to cut harmful government programs, of which I can offer a long list beginning with the Department of Education.” He also commented, “Republicans are the lesser of two evils. They remain philosophically committed to liberalism and the rule of law…neither party has embraced the liberal views that propelled the United States, and earlier Great Britain and Germany, to world leadership.” Langbert also contends that a Harris administration would be "catastrophic."


But for now, it is good to have new faces here. These people understand that we are in danger of seeing Orwell's quote from 1984 come to fruition: “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.”


Of course, even with fresh recruits, victory in November is not guaranteed. The Democratic war machine is well-oiled and well-funded. Be that as it may, the Democrats know that despite their best efforts, more and more people are awake, not woke.