Anonymous ID: 35e94d Sept. 6, 2024, 4:06 p.m. No.21544857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4862


That's exactly what he promised us the first time.. how many of our women and kids have to be abused by these fucking migrants before the heavy lifters do what they promised? I don't want to hear what Trump can do when he gets in because we heard it before and here we are.. our people don't fight back and our government has abandoned us. Nothing will change unless and until these animals are killed and hanged in the town squares for all to see.. we can't save the country by talking about it, sharing tit pics and memes on 8kun. If we don't literally fight against these people they will continue to do what they are doing.. as far as anon is concerned those who allowed the election to be stolen are just as responsible for what has happened the past 4 years.. they all, every single one of them have failed their oath to the country.