God bless that woman.
Look at this photograph.
Indeed. The kumswamp sounds kind of nasty.
Failfag. Little Gollum Wormtongue running through his imitation routine. Did you notice that not one merchant was posted yesterday at all? I was impressed. Good for you. You can go in the filter now.
>yea but they had smolhats poisoning wells back then so it probably still sucked just not as bad
You mean like this well of information that's trying to be poisoned? It's funny how those that are doing that poisoning are trying to accuse an entire ethnicity of it, almost like it's a projected confession rubbed in the faces of everyone while hiding behind that ethnicity for protection, and due to its historical persecution it makes for nice camoflage in the modern era, does it not? No moar having to travel around with merchants and entertainers, never able to stay in one spot because too much shit would be caused and the people would get angry at the evil behavior.
Pig is a brother.
Yeah, I'm failing so hard that I got a clown car of pea brians imitating me now.
I mean the shills when it comes to the imitation and the clown car comment. The other stuff from the ripples and whatnot though, it's not malicious, and I'm honored to have been a source of inspiration, if that's what you can call it.