Family insists "vote" straight "republican" while I will do write-ins for Joseph Stalin downballot.
The so-called 'republicans' in this shithole area are worse than any "democrat'. They work aginst POTUS and give the (so-called) "other side" a guaranteed extra vote.
Now West of here, there are seemingly-legit candidates, but I don't get to "vote" for them, so just write Uncle Joe Stalin in there, OR just vote for the "dem" to get these seditious fucks the hell out of there (IF in Fantasyland, and "votes" counted, that is).
Whatever "conservative" hacks there are, who relatives are listening to, on "conservative" talk radio (and they watch faux), they have succeeded in convincing them that "MAIL-IN" (AS OPPOSED TO ABSENTEE for a senior citizen who needs it) is THE WAY to vote; also insisting I do so, instead of walking the fuck down there in person that day.
Oh the "Dems" may be openly and proudly Communist, but at least they LET US KNOW WHAT THEY are. The fucks operating on our so-called "side" – MUCH MORE DANGEROUS.