CNN lying their asses off! Really long bullshit to make you feel secure
How secure and reliable are US elections? You’d be surprised
Zachary B. Wolf
CNN — normal
With election season underway, you’re bound to hear from former President Donald Trump that an army of undocumented immigrants is trying to vote in the presidential election. You may hear from Democrats that GOP efforts to pass new voting laws is a form of voter suppression.
Despite that rhetoric, you might be surprised to hear the argument that voting in the US — the act of casting a ballot and the guarantee it will be counted — is better now than at any time in the country’s history.
That’s what you’ll get from David Becker, founder of the Center for Election Innovation & Research, a nonpartisan and nonprofit group that gets most of its funding from charitable foundations and aims to improve and build confidence in US elections.
I had a long phone conversation with Becker, a former senior attorney in the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division who has been working for decades to improve US elections. Our conversation, edited for length, is below:
Actually, voting in the US is better than ever==KEK, KEK, KEK!
WOLF: Your first point in talking about US elections is that the system we have is really good and has never been better. Explain that.
BECKER: The fact is, our elections right now — as voters are thinking about whether it’s worthwhile to cast a ballot in this election — our elections right now are as secure, transparent and verifiable as they’ve ever been.
From the security perspective, we have more paper ballots than ever before. Paper ballots are a best practice. They’re auditable, they’re recountable, they’re verifiable by voters, and well over 95% of all voters will be voting on paper in 2024.
We have more audits of those ballots, which confirm the machines work. Those audits are hand counts of ballots to make sure that those counts match what the machine said.
We have more preelection litigation that confirms the rules of the election than ever before. We have better voter lists than ever before, thanks to states having better technology and better data and sharing that data with each other. And then finally, we have more post-election litigation that confirms the results.
We saw that in 2020 where, despite dozens of cases and with additional cases that have been brought in the years afterwards regarding defamation and otherwise, there’s still not been a shred of evidence brought to any court in the country that would indicate that there was a problem with the 2020 election.
So we know the results are accurate.????
The other half of that is from the voters’ perspective, it’s easier to participate than ever before. More voters have access to early voting than ever before: 97% of all voters will have the ability to cast an early ballot — everyone except those living in the states of Alabama, Mississippi and New Hampshire.
Voters in 36 states plus DC will have the ability to vote by mail without any excuse if they want to.
Voters will find, if they want to participate, regardless of who they’re voting for, that it’s going to be an easy process, that they’re going to find it rewarding, that the results will be verifiable. In fact, despite some rhetoric about long lines, evidence suggests almost every voter waits less than 30 minutes in line.
If voters out there are wondering whether to participate, what I’d say is try it, and you’ll see it’s a very easy, convenient, rewarding process.
So why is faith in US elections down?(Because we lie a lot)
WOLF: At the same time, polling has shown — and not just in the Trump era, but going back to 2000 — that confidence has fallen, accelerated by Trump, but people have less confidence. If the system is getting better, but people have less faith in it, how can that dynamic be changed?
BECKER: First of all, the data I’ve seen — and I’ve been looking at this since at least 1998 — suggests that there actually has been a radical transformation in voter confidence during the Trump era; that if you looked prior to Trump, what we often saw was that overall voter confidence would remain fairly high, but oftentimes the losing sides’ voters would have less confidence than the winning side.
So in 2004, Republicans were more confident than Democrats. In 2008, it was reversed, but overall it was about the same.
What we’ve seen in the intervening years since Trump has come on the scene is that the constant lies about our election system have had an effect, but only with his hardcore supporters. So a significant percentage of the Republican Party, likely a majority of the Republican Party currently, has serious doubts about the outcomes of elections.