Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 10:25 a.m. No.21547690   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7776 >>8084 >>8282 >>8310

US Intel Undercuts DOJ’s ‘Foreign Interference’ Claim Used to Smear Conservative Pundits


'To date, the IC has not observed any foreign actor seeking to interfere in the conduct of the 2024 elections…'


The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) announced Friday that it has not “observed” any foreign interference in the 2024 election, seemingly undermining cynical remarks by Attorney General Merrick Garland.


The ODNI’s Foreign Malign Influence Center (FMIC) stated in a 2-page report that the intelligence community “has not observed any foreign actor seeking to interfere in the conduct of the 2024 elections.” Natalie Winters, a co-host of the Steve Bannon WarRoom podcast, first reported these findings.


While the report stipulated that Russia “poses the most active foreign influence threat” to the election, it found no evidence of meddling. The FMIC’s assertions come just days after Garland issued dire warnings about so-called foreign influence targeting the election.

Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 10:27 a.m. No.21547692   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7776 >>8084 >>8282 >>8310

World Economic Forum Finally Tells the Truth About Covid: It Was a ‘Test’ of Our Obedience to Rapidly Forming New World Order


The WEF gleefully posted the following snippet to the “My Carbon” page of its website where they make a pitch for so-called smart cities, which is just another term for 15-minute cities.


The first of three “developments” that the WEF says must be in place before the world can evolve into its utopian vision of “smart and sustainable cities,” is compliance with restrictions on our freedom. It writes:


  1. COVID-19 was the test of social responsibility – A huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health were adopted by billions of citizens across the world. There were numerous examples globally of maintaining social distancing, wearing masks, mass vaccinations and acceptance of contact-tracing applications for public health, which demonstrated the core of individual social responsibility.

Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 10:29 a.m. No.21547696   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Poland’s Official Story About An Alleged Airspace Violation Doesn’t Add Up


The authorities’ story doesn’t add up since they still maintain that at least three radiolocation stations recorded a violation, but they also claim at the same time that no such violation ever occurred.


Major General Maciej Klisz announced that Poland’s ten-day search for physical evidence of last month’s recorded airspace violation came up empty-handed. According to him, “As a result of this process and the undertaken analysis, I can say that with high likelihood the air space of the Republic of Poland was not breached on August 26…(but the) data has not changed, what changed is our assessment of the situation.”


For comparison’s sake, here’s what he said on that same day late last month: “We are probably dealing with the entry of an object on Polish territory. The object was confirmed by at least three radiolocation stations. It is clear from its characteristics that the object is not a missile, it is not a hypersonic, ballistic or guided missile.” Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski then started talking tough about Poland possibly shooting down Russian missiles over Ukraine, the subject of which was analyzed here.


Returning to Klisz’s remarks, it’s notable that he insisted that the “data has not changed”, thus meaning that Poland still maintains that at least three radiolocation stations recorded an airspace violation on 26 August, but they couldn’t discover any physical evidence inside of country. Nevertheless, he also flip-flopped by now concluding that Polish airspace wasn’t breached in the first place, which is contradictory. Notice that he’s not even speculating that a drone might have crossed in and out of Polish airspace.


If what he’s saying is true, then this means that Poland’s radiolocation stations are either malfunctioning or that Russia is somehow able to manipulate their signals, both scenarios of which are very concerning from the perspective of Polish national security. Another possibility is that debris from a Ukrainian air defense missile fell inside of Poland, but the authorities want to cover it up in order to not worsen bilateral relations and/or create a situation where more citizens sour on Polish aid to Ukraine.


The media should hold Klisz’s feet to the fire by pressing him and other officials to elaborate on his contradiction. They’re unlikely to get an answer, or whatever they receive might not directly address this, but it’s important that it’s not swept under the rug given the national security stakes involved. Poles and their NATO allies deserve to know whether Poland’s radiolocation stations are malfunctioning or being manipulated, or if a wayward Ukrainian air defense missile or its debris once again fell inside of Poland.


As it stands, this incident is already hugely embarrassing. Coming up empty-handed despite a ten-day search that covered 3,200 square kilometers from the air, 250 square kilometers on the ground, and analyzed satellite images of an area of 310 square kilometers where the object was likely to fall according to reports suggests that the full truth isn’t being shared. It also needlessly provoked panic among people who were duped into thinking that a Russian object supposedly violated Polish airspace.


Sikorski’s tough talk about possibly shooting down Russian missiles over Ukraine is also revealed to have been political opportunism that was advanced on what’s now officially considered to be a false pretext. The authorities’ story doesn’t add up though since they still maintain that at least three radiolocation stations recorded a violation, but they also claim at the same time that no such violation occurred. It’s therefore incumbent on truly independent members of the press to get down to the bottom of this.

Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 10:31 a.m. No.21547700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7776 >>8084 >>8282 >>8310

Argentina urges ICC to order arrest of Maduro


Buenos Aires claims actions by Venezuela’s government could be considered “crimes against humanity”


Argentina has called on the International Criminal Court (ICC) to issue an arrest warrant for Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and other officials, citing alleged human rights violations during a crackdown on post-election unrest.


The actions taken by Maduro’s government since the July 28 ballot could “constitute crimes against humanity,” the Argentinian Foreign Ministry claimed on Friday. The statement said a request to the court will be submitted on Monday.


According to the National Electoral Council of Venezuela, Maduro won the July presidential election with 52% of the vote. The Western-backed opposition, however, has accused officials in Caracas of rigging the ballot, with rival candidate Edmundo Gonzalez claiming he in fact received 67%.


Protests swept the country after the results were announced. Maduro condemned the unrest as an attempted “coup against Venezuela,” and more than 2,000 demonstrators have since been arrested. Caracas also launched a criminal investigation into opposition figures Edmundo Gonzalez and Maria Corina Machado, after they called on the armed forces to drop their support for the president.


In the aftermath of the contested vote, many nations – including Russia and China – congratulated Maduro on his re-election. The US, along with the EU and several other countries including Argentina, have since refused to recognize Maduro as the legitimate president.


The feud has sparked a war of words – with Maduro calling the Argentinian president “monster face” after Javier Milei branded Maduro a dictator and told him to “get out.” Venezuela ordered the closure of Argentina’s diplomatic mission after the election and recalled its own staff from Buenos Aires.


Weighing in on the feud, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova rebuked Milei for his apparent reluctance to address issues in his own country.


“Looks like Argentina has no problems of its own, and President Milei has already put all his campaign promises into practice?” she quipped.


Argentina, Latin America’s third largest economy, is in the grip of a severe economic crisis after decades of mounting debt and financial mismanagement. An estimated 55% of its population lives below the poverty line, according to the socio-economic watchdog Social Debt Observatory of the Catholic University of Argentina. The figures show that 49.5% were living in poverty when President Milei was sworn into office in December 2023. Argentina’s inflation is one of the highest in the world, exceeding 260% over the last 12 months. The government has devalued the peso by more than 50% as part of Milei’s “shock therapy” reforms aimed at stabilizing the economy.

Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 10:33 a.m. No.21547705   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7776 >>8084 >>8282 >>8310

Texas Democrat Commissioner Nominee Indicted For Staging Hate Crime Hoax and Framing Republican Opponent


Taral Patel, a 30-year-old Democratic candidate for Fort Bend County Precinct 3 Commissioner, was arrested back in June with felony online impersonation and misrepresentation of identity.


Two months on, the Fort Bend District Attorney has finally indicted Patel for his dastardly scheme which prosecutors said was intended to “influence the result of an election” and “injure” his Republican candidate Andy Meyers.

Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 10:42 a.m. No.21547731   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7776 >>8084 >>8282 >>8310

DeSantis Operatives Have Taken Over a Key Trump-World PAC, And People Are Pissed.


A Super PAC supporting President Trump’s election efforts, funded by billionaire Elon Musk, has hired a swathe of former DeSantis for president activists, including the chiefs of the Florida Governor’s disastrously run political action committee ‘Never Back Down.’The details, which were quietly reported on by the New York Times in July, have been further teased out by Puck News this week, with author Tara Palmeri noting:


“…it baffled many inside the Trump campaign when Chris LaCivita blessed the mid-July shake-up at Musk’s America PAC. DeSantis’s former campaign manager Generra Peck and former senior advisor Phil Cox subsequently fired all the existing vendors, including canvassers, and dismantled the existing ground operation, only to bring in their own people just a month and a half before early voting is set to begin.”Trump was reportedly furious with the move to hire a cadre of DeSantis backers, especially given the Trump campaign’s early pledge that none of those people would ever get jobs with Trump or his administration. Now, it seems, they’ve hired almost all their top associates, with the ‘P2‘ firm run by Cox and Peck being used as a primary group for the Musk-backed America PAC.

“Also involved… is Charlie Spies, a senior election lawyer for the Republican Party,” The New York Times revealed. The National Pulse has reported on Spies and his previous anti-Trump positions, leading to his ouster from an RNC role recently handed to him by Trump campaign chiefs Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita.

The National Pulse first reported on Cox, his group, and its relationships with the Bush, Rove, Romney, and Ryan families back in April 2023. Now, Cox is inside the Trump campaign, alongside a number of other leading DeSantis-world names such as Peck and failed pollster Ryan Tyson.The move was celebrated by LaCivita, who tweeted out the New York Times report, adding: “…the New Program 100% better than the old gang. Solidly support this effort!”

Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 10:46 a.m. No.21547745   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7776 >>8084 >>8282 >>8310

Tony Blair Calls for Global Agreement on Social Media Speech Restrictions


Fresh off the crackdown on so-called “keyboard warriors” over social media posts connected to the recent anti-mass migration riots, leading leftist politicians in Britain are beginning to demand for new speech restrictions on the internet.


Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, whose neo-liberal Labour Party government enacted some of the strictest speech laws in modern British history, has joined the chorus of commentators demanding a new crackdown on social media.


Speaking to LBC Radio this week, Blair said: “The world is going to have to come together and agree on some rules around social media platforms.


“It’s not just how people can provoke hostility and hatred but I think… the impact on young people particularly when they’ve got access to mobile phones very young and they are reading a whole lot of stuff and receiving a whole lot of stuff that I think is really messing with their minds in a big way.


“I’m not sure what the answer is but I’m sure we need to find one.”

Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 10:51 a.m. No.21547771   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7778 >>7796 >>7815 >>8084 >>8282 >>8310

DS actor pushing for war


Erdogan seeks Islamic alliance against Israel, says its ‘expansionism’ won’t stop in Gaza


Turkish leader claims Jewish state will next seek to occupy Lebanon, Syria, ‘our homeland between Tigris and Euphrates,’ says ‘Hamas is not only defending Gaza but Islamic lands’

Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 10:54 a.m. No.21547791   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7878

Illegal Immigrant Charged With Voting In American Elections, Impersonating American Citizen


The Department of Justice (DOJ) charged an illegal immigrant from Guatemala for illegally voting in American elections and stealing the identity of an American citizen.


The Justice Department brought the charges against Angelica Maria Francisco, a 42-year old Guatemalan national illegally residing in Alabama, after it was found that she illegally voted in both the 2016 and 2020 primary and general elections despite not being an American citizen.


The DOJ stated in a press release that Francisco was charged with “false claims of citizenship in connection with voting, false statements in application for a United States passport, use of a United States passport obtained by false statements, and aggravated identity theft.” Francisco has agreed to plead guilty to all charges.


The plea agreement reveals that the Guatemalan national illegally assumed the identity of an American citizen in about 2011 before using that identity to illegally procure a passport and register to vote.


“She subsequently used the United States passport to travel to and from her native country of Guatemala in 2012, 2015, and 2018,” the DOJ explained. “Using the same false identity, Francisco also registered to vote in Alabama in 2016 and voted in the 2016 and 2020 primary and general elections.”


The charge from the DOJ comes as Republicans in the House and Senate are attempting to pass the SAVE Act, a piece of legislation that intends to further safeguard federal elections against illegal immigrant voting. Democrats like Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, however, have claimed that the problem of illegal immigrant voting “doesn’t exist” and that the act is unnecessary.

Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 10:59 a.m. No.21547809   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7850 >>8084 >>8282 >>8310

Renowned Medical Professor Confirms Ivermectin Cures Cancer


A celebrated medical professor has confirmed that the “wonder drug” ivermectin has successfully been used to treat and cure terminally ill cancer patients.


The bombshell announcement was made by Dr. Paul Marik, an American physician and revered professor of medicine.


Speaking about the breakthrough during a new interview, Marik revealed that doctors have been stunned after seeing that cancer had “disappeared” in patients who received ivermectin.


Marik, a former critical care doctor at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital who also served as chair of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, revealed that severely ill cancer patients made a complete recovery after they were given ivermectin.


Second to penicillin, Ivermectin is often recognized for having the greatest impact on human health.

Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 11:05 a.m. No.21547837   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7845

Digital ID will be required from November 2024 for anyone travelling to EU countries


Starting November 2024, the European Union will implement the Entry/Exit System (EES), which will require non-EU travelers to scan their passports and provide biometric data (fingerprints and facial images) when entering and exiting the Schengen Area. This system aims to enhance security and streamline border crossings.


travel-europe.europa .eu/index_en

Anonymous ID: eb8f69 Sept. 7, 2024, 11:09 a.m. No.21547857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7879 >>8084 >>8282 >>8310

Berkshire Hathaway sells 18.7 million Bank of America shares from September 3 to 5.


Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway has reduced its stake in Bank of America. Over a three-day period from September 3 to September 5, 2024, Berkshire Hathaway sold approximately 18.7 million shares of Bank of America. This reduction is part of a broader trend where Berkshire has been trimming its holdings in the bank over recent months.