Anonymous ID: 3251ce Sept. 7, 2024, 1:13 p.m. No.21548626   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>8638

"The Last President" is a novel published in 1896 by Ingersoll Lockwood, an American lawyer and author. This book is part of a series that includes two other works by Lockwood: "Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey" and "The Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulgar."


Summary of "The Last President":


The novel begins in a tense political climate in the United States, with the country deeply divided and on the brink of chaos. On the night of November 3, a Tuesday, the election results are announced, and to everyone's shock, a populist candidate who was not expected to win the presidency is declared victorious. The story describes widespread unrest, with mobs rioting in the streets of New York City and other major cities across the country.


The new president is seen as an outsider who defies the political norms of the time, leading to a breakdown of the traditional political structure. As the novel unfolds, the country is depicted as descending into further chaos, with tensions between the rich and poor, and conflicts between different political factions. The president's attempts to restore order are met with resistance, and the situation spirals out of control.


Interesting Connections:


Lockwood's works have gained renewed attention in recent years due to some intriguing coincidences. For instance, the character in the "Baron Trump" novels, Baron Trump, shares a name with the youngest son of former U.S. President Donald Trump, though there is no direct connection between them. The novels' themes of political upheaval and the rise of an unexpected leader have also led to comparisons with the political climate during Donald Trump's presidency.


However, it's important to note that these are purely coincidental and have no factual basis or prediction of future events. Lockwood's works are fictional and were written over a century ago.