Anonymous ID: 6084c9 Sept. 7, 2024, 3:37 p.m. No.21549264   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>21549016 lb

Would these be the same type of scientists that are beholden to gov't research dollars?


That whole notion of expand you're thinking could go a long ways in this brave new world to be shown…


>>21549103 lb

anon remembers that some biologist or what not worked out that for the oil field in Saudi to have been created from "dinosaurs" it would have required remains in a quantitiy that would fill a box 19x19x19 miles

Then there was something about a Russian scientist getting a three bullet suicide because of showing oil is produced abiotically. That would undo a lot of the scarcity angle and take out the price and maybe get it down to what Saudi pays at the pump


Honest science…


remove the subsidized research and let things happen as they should

innovation and creation