french nazi juws are still jealous no one calls bordur back
all taht queer needs depravity to feels again
hidden oizo
>> wiggur swammin
>CNN french nazi juw mad
CNN calls british nazi juw alec bladwin to homo on clue phone
yellow sock puppet polka calls orange man bad juuus
>>> wiggur swammin
>>CNN french nazi juw mad
>CNN calls british nazi juw alec bladwin to homo on clue phone
british juuuuuws start dickbutt ganbang for libor rates
>>>> wiggur swammin
>>>CNN french nazi juw mad
>>CNN calls british nazi juw alec bladwin to homo on clue phone
>british juuuuuws start dickbutt ganbang for libor rates
frickin vatihasnt bungholgat GAHYDAR lasur fires out flamur distress homo
son of pele didn;t shill dianetics
follo durh rabbit neo
fightin lik a frenchy tard !?