Check location data for that FBI phone that's been within a thousand feet of every mass shooter.
Iver = 1mg per 10 lbs
210 lb guy takes 21 mg capsule once per year for parasitic infection, another dose a few months later if bad infection.
Not sure for covid because it does not exist.
>Hydrogen can be converted to water.
Hydrogen is made when you split H2O into H, H and O by putting voltage through the water with the appropriate electrolyte. When it combusts you get water again.
I suppose it could be used as a desalination method and the heat energy used to run turbines, but salt (NaCl) is a very bad electrolyte for producing Hydrogen because one of the by products is Chlorine, which is super corrosive, but also breaks down into salt again. Doable, but problematic.
Didn't know they made them that dumb.
>>21549999 gets digi
>Trump will win.
Yeah, but will he step out of the way and allow fraud to ruin the country as was done in 2020?
You missed.