Anonymous ID: 940775 Sept. 7, 2024, 9:55 p.m. No.21551005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I Believe In You


2Sa_7:27 ForH3588 thou,H859 O LORDH3068 of hosts,H6635 GodH430 of Israel,H3478 hast revealedH1540 H241 to thy servant,H5650 saying,H559 I will buildH1129 thee an house:H1004 thereforeH5921 H3651 hath thy servantH5650 foundH4672 in(H853) his heartH3820 to prayH6419 (H853) thisH2063 prayerH8605 untoH413 thee.

1Ki_8:28 Yet have thou respectH6437 untoH413 the prayerH8605 of thy servant,H5650 and toH413 his supplication,H8467 O LORDH3068 my God,H430 to hearkenH8085 untoH413 the cryH7440 and toH413 the prayer,H8605 whichH834 thy servantH5650 prayethH6419 beforeH6440 thee to day:H3117

1Ki_8:29 That thine eyesH5869 may beH1961 openH6605 towardH413 thisH2088 houseH1004 nightH3915 and day,H3117 even towardH413 the placeH4725 of whichH834 thou hast said,H559 My nameH8034 shall beH1961 there:H8033 that thou mayest hearkenH8085 untoH413 the prayerH8605 whichH834 thy servantH5650 shall makeH6419 towardH413 thisH2088 place.H4725

1Ki_8:38 WhatH3605 prayerH8605 and supplicationH8467 soeverH3605 H834 beH1961 made by anyH3605 man,H120 or by allH3605 thy peopleH5971 Israel,H3478 whichH834 shall knowH3045 every manH376 the plagueH5061 of his own heart,H3824 and spread forthH6566 his handsH3709 towardH413 thisH2088 house:H1004

1Ki_8:45 Then hearH8085 thou in heavenH8064 (H853) their prayerH8605 and their supplication,H8467 and maintainH6213 their cause.H4941

1Ki_8:49 Then hearH8085 thou(H853) their prayerH8605 and their supplicationH8467 in heavenH8064 thy dwellingH3427 place,H4349 and maintainH6213 their cause,H4941
