>butt tahn peter pan wuz zelda an ancient nigggays named taht creamy nut batter taht fo giggles
guano swimmur still not there yet
>>butt tahn peter pan wuz zelda an ancient nigggays named taht creamy nut batter taht fo giggles
an durh bigly fudge factory whaaaa taht durh frickin peanut butter wuz durh main nigggay
an tahn durh curse of whaluuurgay thongs kkknuw $hillturary wuz full of juuuuus
>an tahn durh curse of whaluuurgay thongs kkknuw $HITLURary wuz full of juuuuus
>$HITLURary wuz full of juuuuus
>>>>$HITLURary wuz full of juuuuus
>von crackansas
>>turdburgur wuz fuul of drumpf juuuuus
mit douchenozzle auf heimat grosse weider uber alles
>>an tahn durh curse of whaluuurgay thongs kkknuw
orange man bad fudge
david of hogg tv dinnur
even framed a kenedy skinwalker in sequel
those skinwalkers should stap durh faggo fightin an git sum schnu schnu frum alec baldwins volcano fo sho
don;t stap quack @$$parrot