there is a full video of what happens at that pub,
way to bring back 2013
oh shit anon you know they gotta copy.
oh look now he is causing doubt in the obviously controlled manipulation by PUTIN cry cry cry, these are the most free and fair elections how dare he. kek
us demanding american companies be censored in other nations. If you do not ban x, america will sanction you and take away all your gibs. If the deep state can not control america then by damn going to silence the reach of true american values of the first amendment and freedom of the press.
if dick cheney is not setting off alarm bells for so called liberals that this is a scam I do not know. The so called party of peace and love and acceptance has the biggest fucking war monger and he shot a dude in the face, and this is who they want to associate with.
inflation kek, hers or mine.
it not long enough
understand loads, but appreciate talent when see. Not often jelly but this case yes.
now I want a Trump version of this
I never thought anna would have come as far as she has.
and still no word on that shooting the other day in I think it was Maryland. Huh, strange that.