anons with time right now, please look and tell me if the Penzey's spice lady with Kamala looks a lot like charlottesvile activist "killed" Heather Heyer.
I just saw the video for the first time, not real interested day of spice store event, but seeing it on the news on tv just a few minutes ago, I leaned into the tv and thought "no fucking way".
Then did a few searches for images and holy cow, to me…same chick or doppleganger, the skinny version of HH.
You guise remember all the fuckery afoot with the images, sneakers, driver, etc. Fake news said hit by car, NOPE, heart attack fat lady on sidewalk,not hit by car at all. We all saw the real footage that fake news did not show.
Anyhow, it was a black lives matter thing with Heather Heyer and Kamala is also into the BLM shit with fakery fuck Jussie Smollett, you know birds of a feather shit…
well this chick at the spice shop that openly hates Trump, "Penzey's Spice", well look for yourself???
To me she looks like "Heather Heyer", crisis actor?
It is like they are throwing the shit in our faces?
It is that season, False Flags, school shootings, black people harmed by police, all the usual plays.
Did Heather just stick her head out to alert other crisis actors… "hey, time to gear up". COMMS?
(Also, what a day that was, all the fuckery anons poasted about in real time)
They sure left out the true events we all saw and poasted about day of event in real time.
this page lets you zoom in really close on images, but still not telling the entire truth of that day