You imitate me, so it stands to reason you crowing that you're winning is fake too. Maybe try something other than the MuhJoo attack pattern adapted to a single individual rather than the group the old guard retards focused on. I understand though. The clowns are going to be going under the microscope harder than I've been under soon.
Looks like the only people who are better off after the past four years are the illegal aliens and third world the NGOs brought in rather than the citizens or those who've earned the right to wait in line to become citizens.
You wanna know how I know he's one of the mimics? He announced it last night.
Because here's the thing, clowns. I'm still recognized when I don't post the cartoon frog smoking a cigar, and so are you. Notice there are no Smoking Pepe variations being spammed right now with delusional claims of being rent free in people heads but that vernacular in place right now by a spamtard? KEK!
Better luck next time. It's the trying to tell people what to do and think rather than presenting it in a manner that sounds informative and interesting rather than dogmatic preaching.
Finally got around to watching the prayer Mr. Brand gave. That guy can fuckin' deliver.
Because these people are sick, Anon. What do you suppose the chances are of Slick Willy posing for that portrait? My instincts lead me to believe it's to capture the gloat of getting away with misleading the country and getting off scot-free.