Anonymous ID: 96581f Sept. 9, 2024, 4:33 p.m. No.21560036   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0048 >>0051



The purge will become a reality.

Some Hollywood signals including movies have now already played out and the results have not gone as they predicted.

When law and order breaks down, the illegal criminals will eat their own and than come looking for those who used them.

They will be dealt with if coming for the innocent and pointed in the right direction to deal with the media and the traitors before being deported or dealt with if rabid.

A old rule, never make deals with criminals and do not fuck with the rigghtious.

This is not a threat, this is a reality.


Anonymous ID: 96581f Sept. 9, 2024, 4:56 p.m. No.21560201   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0285 >>0301 >>0333



Note: Mark Finchem is well known to anons from warroom when the election was stolen in 2020, trusted name drop. full article below.


Breaking News: Tennessee Law Enforcement Corruption

by Mark Finchem | Sep 6, 2024


Scottsdale, AZ: The Election Fairness Institute, Inc. (EFI) is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3), engaged in the analysis of election procedure, process, and system components that demonstrate potential defects impacting election security, transparency and ultimately integrity. Such defects cut across all political lines and get to the heart of the “Equal Protection” clause of the Fourteenth Amendment for every American citizen. In November 2021 EFI was asked to engage in a private sector political money laundering investigation that would ultimately lead to the identification of over $1Trillion —a conservative estimate— supply dirty money supply in support of political campaigns of candidates at every level and individuals in all three branches of government from coast to coast. Early on in the pursuit of evidence showing the source of funding and the distribution pathways our team identified entities in Scottsdale Arizona and Nashville Tennessee that were inextricably tied to real property transactions with significantly inflated values, mortgage and title insurance fraud, and wire fraud.

“This is the fuel driving the takedown of America as we know it, to secure power for the elites and the government gangsters. From local protection rackets to the attacks on President Donald Trump in multiple courts across America with malicious prosecutions on exotic legal theories and the most frivolous of charges, this is how ‘political lawfare’ is funded,” says the Hon. Mark Finchem, Executive Director of EFI. EFI has also made significant progress in tracking what is known as “smurfing.’ Which is a unique type of political money laundering, the same activity that the James O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) has reported on over the last 18 months, with virtually no meaningful criminal prosecutions.

Over the last several months our investigation has also made a connection between child sex trafficking and highly placed political figures, and media personalities, including a well-known Scripps Media Company reporter in the Nashville area, and law enforcement agents. With the level of compromise that runs vertically from perpetrators to the Tennessee Attorney General and Inspector General, it is clear that the level of corruption is unprecedented. Proof of the pervasive corruption was made manifest on September 4th at approximately 9:45 am when a search warrant was executed on the Millersville Police Department for records and electronic devices that the AG, IG, and TBI already had access to through a cooperative agreement with the Attorney General’s office. Mr. Finchem says, “We informed several state attorney generals that we are at the point where we are ready to present cases for Grand Juries to begin hearing arguments and issuing indictments, including the Tennessee AG, and then the unthinkable happens.”

A search warrant was also served on the home of Deputy Chief of Police, Shawn Taylor, to seize records and electronic devices related to the ongoing criminal investigation that implicates Sumner County TN judge Joe Thompson, and Soros-supported DA Ray Whitley. Coincidentally, DA Whitley authorized the search warrant and Judge Thompson signed off on the search warrants. During the search of his home, DC Taylor’s civil rights were violated, and his home was vandalized by one or more of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) agents when one of the agents urinated in DC Taylor’s bathtub, then tracked urine throughout the home. A DNA sample has been secured, and at some point, the agent who engaged in this criminal act will be identified.

The TBI agents present at DC Taylor’s home were ASAC Nathan Neese, SA Andrew Graves, FI Billy Deering, SA Bobby Simmons, AZ Andy Vallee, SA Josh Anderson, SA Jason Williams, SA Shane Hunter, and Officer Darryl Brown. We have a saying at the Election Fairness Institute, “Be a Witness, Not a Suspect.” Our suggestion to all who are involved in this malicious abuse of law enforcement, prosecutorial, and judicial authority, if you choose to be a witness, contact us, and we will help you document what you know for the criminal prosecution of others. Some will talk, but others will not, but be assured prosecutions will soon come. If you choose to be a suspect, get a good lawyer, because you’ll need one.

The money laundering and child sex trafficking investigation will continue, even with what appears to be a significant effort at covering up the crimes that can be proven. Who knows what else will be found?
