Anonymous ID: fe106c Sept. 9, 2024, 3:20 p.m. No.21559617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9808 >>9898 >>0189 >>0301 >>0333

Good riddance to Greenpeace USA?


Fossil-fuel billionaire Kelcy Warren is about to land a knockout punch on Greenpeace.

( Could someanon with a WSJ subscription archive the whole article for the rest of us? Thx! )


Part of the article is in an X post:


“Fossil-fuel billionaire Kelcy Warren is about to land a knockout punch on Greenpeace. The pipeline magnate’s company, Energy Transfer, is behind a lawsuit that Greenpeace says could bankrupt the environmental group’s U.S. affiliate. A courtroom victory, which some Greenpeace officials fear is likely, would be a coda in the nearly decade-long battle between the two sides over one of Warren’s signature projects: the Dakota Access Pipeline…


Energy Transfer’s lawsuit alleges several Greenpeace entities incited the Dakota Access protests, funded attacks to damage the pipeline, and spread misinformation about the company and its project. The case is set for trial in February in a North Dakota state court, where both sides expect a fossil-fuel-friendly jury. Energy Transfer is seeking $300 million in damages, which would likely wipe out Greenpeace USA, according to the group’s leadership.”