Anonymous ID: 87d288 Sept. 9, 2024, 5:39 p.m. No.21560441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0453

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Levy interned at the central office of the Federal Bureau of Prisons in Washington, D.C



1Ki_8:54 And it wasH1961 so, that when SolomonH8010 had made an endH3615 of prayingH6419 (H853) allH3605 thisH2063 prayerH8605 and supplicationH8467 untoH413 the LORD,H3068 he aroseH6965 from beforeH4480 H6440 the altarH4196 of the LORD,H3068 from kneelingH4480 H3766 onH5921 his kneesH1290 with his handsH3709 spread upH6566 to heaven.H8064

1Ki_9:3 And the LORDH3068 saidH559 untoH413 him, I have heardH8085 (H853) thy prayerH8605 and thy supplication,H8467 thatH834 thou hast madeH2063 beforeH6440 me: I have hallowedH6942 (H853) thisH2088 house,H1004 whichH834 thou hast built,H1129 to putH7760 my nameH8034 thereH8033 for ever;H5704 H5769 and mine eyesH5869 and mine heartH3820 shall beH1961 thereH8033 perpetually.H3605 H3117

2Ki_19:4 It may beH194 the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 will hearH8085 (H853) allH3605 the wordsH1697 of Rabshakeh,H7262 whomH834 the kingH4428 of AssyriaH804 his masterH113 hath sentH7971 to reproachH2778 the livingH2416 God;H430 and will reproveH3198 the wordsH1697 whichH834 the LORDH3068 thy GodH430 hath heard:H8085 wherefore lift upH5375 thy prayerH8605 forH1157 the remnantH7611 that are left.H4672

2Ki_20:5 Turn again,H7725 and tellH559 H413 HezekiahH2396 the captainH5057 of my people,H5971 ThusH3541 saithH559 the LORD,H3068 the GodH430 of DavidH1732 thy father,H1 I have heardH8085 (H853) thy prayer,H8605 I have seenH7200 (H853) thy tears:H1832 behold,H2009 I will healH7495 thee: on the thirdH7992 dayH3117 thou shalt go upH5927 unto the houseH1004 of the LORD.H3068

2Ch_6:19 Have respectH6437 therefore toH413 the prayerH8605 of thy servant,H5650 and toH413 his supplication,H8467 O LORDH3068 my God,H430 to hearkenH8085 untoH413 the cryH7440 and the prayerH8605 whichH834 thy servantH5650 prayethH6419 beforeH6440 thee:

2Ch_6:20 That thine eyesH5869 may beH1961 openH6605 uponH413 thisH2088 houseH1004 dayH3119 and night,H3915 uponH413 the placeH4725 whereofH834 thou hast saidH559 that thou wouldest putH7760 thy nameH8034 there;H8033 to hearkenH8085 untoH413 the prayerH8605 whichH834 thy servantH5650 prayethH6419 towardH413 thisH2088 place.H4725
