Anonymous ID: 3d9e95 Sept. 9, 2024, 8:05 p.m. No.21561146   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1156 >>1163



any mention of mr pig usually gets a automatic filter.

enough of that shit.

muh cat could take that pussy any day and it would go home crying to its single cat lady in china would probably end up in a noodle as flavouring.


Anonymous ID: 3d9e95 Sept. 10, 2024, 2:54 a.m. No.21561823   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1828



By Barbara Expose on September 10, 2024


You would be forgiven for thinking that we had woken up recently in a weird and frightening parallel universe, however, I am sad to inform you this is our current normal, for now. Keir Starmer, along with his band of merry henchmen, have decided to wreak havoc and fear upon millions of unassuming British people. It is difficult to know where to start, due to the unfathomable amount of damage this Labour government has already caused since the 4th of July 2024.

From the elderly to the young, from heavy industry to the small business owners, this administration is on a mission to light a fire under every corner of the UK, indiscriminately targeting anyone they see fit, in order to dislodge any small amount of confidence that was growing slowly after the mayhem of the last four years.

There is a growing unease amongst the population, and confusion caused by a non-stop barrage of new implementations, it seems the foundations of this glorious nation are being shaken , with no end in sight.

The following are just a few of the measures that they are attempting to bully through, with the same, constant excuse, that the last government left a huge black hole in the finances, however this government was well aware of the fiscal problems this country had been facing, and could have brought the nation on board, instead of gleefully going to war with their unsuspecting victims.

This government were eager to go to war with people who were unwilling to the tow the socialist agenda right from the the start of their tenancy in no 10, showing a complete disregard for the genuine concerns and frustrations of millions. Classing protests against the influx of unfettered immigration as evil rioters. Instead of listening to the people and calming their fears, Mr Starmer decided to use the police to hunt people down, telling others in their communities to inform on neighbours, friends and even family.

While the prison system in the UK is already past breaking point, extra prison places were found especially for these people and they were fast-tracked through the courts and sentenced at lightning speed. People with no past criminal records were paraded across the media, as a fear tactic to close down any debate on this matter.

After reeling from that political circus, the government has now set their sights on the elderly. Pensioners, many of whom rely on extra financial help during the bitter UK winter months, are being threatened with this help being withdrawn in order for this government to claw an extra £2 Billion. These people have contributed for decades, paying into the tax system to keep this country afloat. These people tend to be from a generation that does not like to be a burden, therefore, if this money is taken from them, many will be left with a serious risk to their health. Meanwhile, Mr Starmer has pledged to continue to give away 3 billion a year to the Ukraine, to help fund a war that does not, and has never, concerned this country, showing his true colours in the most blatant way.


Anonymous ID: 3d9e95 Sept. 10, 2024, 2:57 a.m. No.21561828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1834


While Mr Starmer is trying to take as much money from people who who are already finding it difficult to survive day to day, the door has been left wide open for anyone who chooses to step into the UK and say the simple words: “I seek asylum”. So far, in 2024, the UK government has been spending approximately £8 million per day on housing asylum seekers in hotels. This cost has risen due to a huge increase in the number of people crossing the Channel and claiming asylum, leading to around 50,000 individuals being housed this way. The overall annual cost of the asylum system is reported to be around £1.5 billion, reflecting the ongoing pressure on resources that we, as a nation cannot continue to sustain.

On top of this ongoing emergency to our country, Ed Miliband, who was appointed Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, is trying to push through a bill in parliament, to waste an insane amount of money on the net zero hoax, and is about to destroy entire communities, putting thousands of worker out of jobs, shutting down as much of our traditional energy industries, in order to replace them with vast, ugly solar farms and equally grotesque floating offshore wind farms. All the time, knowing full well, this will end up making this country reliant on other nations for energy if the unpredictable UK weather doesn’t produce it’s quota. All this, at a staggering cost of £8.3billion of tax payers money. (source)

In the upcoming budget, the new chancellor of the exchequer, Rachel Reeves, is about to create havoc with her socialist plans to claw as much from business owners, landlords, grieving families, in fact, anyone who, over the years, has contributed to this country. Many will find they are not safe from the tax grab that this Labour government is about to unleash. Any person who has any assets or wealth, could be in for a painful few years ahead.

This is just the beginning of the madness that these individuals have in store, led by a man who is in the pockets of the unions, and who has already agreed to a massive pay rise worth £9.4billion to some sections of the public sector. Unfortunately, this probably won’t be the last hand out to public sector workers, who at any time can hold the country to ransom to achieve their aim, as well as withdraw it’s support for any Labour leader that doesn’t bend to their demands.

In just a couple of months, the people of the United Kingdom have been shown by this government, what their priorities really are, and where their allegiances truly lie. There is a palpable feeling of unease across the nation for what is to come in the next few months. Communities are increasingly on edge, not sure in what way their lives are going to be affected. It seems that everyday there is another headline created to cause distress to a part of the population, who have already absorbed so many challenges in the last couple of years.

Keir starmer is determined to push his plans through, even though some of his own back benchers are starting to become nervous with the constant onslaught of change and attacks on peoples livelihoods. Parliament is due to vote on the removal of the pensioners winter fuel allowance later today, and Starmer has warned his party to vote in line with his plan. We can only hope, for the 10million older people that are at risk of losing this vital help, that there are some level headed MP’s that are prepared to start a rebellion against this tyrannical leader, and his cabinet.