Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 2:03 a.m. No.21561748   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

On September 9, 1513, the Great Land belonging to Clan Sinclair was Stollen by the Pretenders who became The Crown. The King and Earl William Sinclair were both killed that night. It was a trap. Horrific Slaughter of the bloodline rulers of the Free World, and the King.


The King had granted him back the extend of his originally-owned Great Lands while on the Field, which was drawn up in deed on a drum-head. The drum-head was rolled into a scroll and a young runner raced with it through the night, to Williams' wife. William's last act was to lay himself in front of a claymore headed for his nephew's chest. Q+ is the legal, titled ruler of the Free World. The Clan Sinclair badge is a Cock Rampant.


Flodden. We Will Never Forget.

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 2:54 a.m. No.21561824   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

William Sinclair's descendant Henry, discovered Canada and America first. He named the island of Nova Scotia (New Scota-land, or New Scotland).

He also constructed the Money Pit on Oak Island. What do you think is in it? No one can open itโ€ฆ Does it remind you of something else with subterranean chambers?

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 3:07 a.m. No.21561845   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Queen Scota of Egypt, daughter of Pharaoh, wife of The Gaelโ€ฆ

Egyptian Building techniques at Rosslyn Chapel.

Hidden chambers on Oak Island, Great Pyramid.

The Y is the reason Israel must be last.

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 3:20 a.m. No.21561857   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1867


Right in step with the fact that The Crown is ILLEGALLY operating as an entity outside of our actual US Constitution. Q+ has the LEGAL right to The Crown AND The Country - both are legally under his control. BIG Problem for Pretenders posing as Rulers. Remember anons, Constitution suddenly needs to be "reconsidered" last week? All related. This board is ground zero WW.


"One of the most intriguing parts of the Virginia Company and British control of United States revolves around the Act of 1871. According to the claims, the real purpose of the Act of 1871 was to create two separate entities. One, a country (the United States of America), and the other, a corporation (the United States). The corporation was based in the District of Columbia, which is a law unto itself with its own government. This is the Federal Government and is different from that of the United States."

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 3:38 a.m. No.21561883   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1900


This makes perfect logical sense.

>Rightful ruler dies at Flodden 09-09-1513

>Un-rightful ruler dies in England 09-09-2020


The name Stewart is fictional. The people who call themselves Stewart/Stuart, were literally just employed as custodians of affairs - "stewards". Like on a Ship.

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 3:52 a.m. No.21561901   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1908

Rothes/Vatican conspired to Invent 1000 years of history called The Dark Ages.

There was not 1000 years between the fall of one side of Rome to the other.

This 1000 years of Fantasy was populated with Fictional events and dates.

Vatican kept the Bible away from the masses to serve this mass delusion.

By the time the masses received access, they were enslaved by the lie.


These people do not want the world to know the truth about REALITY.

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 4:12 a.m. No.21561930   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Have you noticed how progressively Regal the atmosphere around POTUS has gotten? The Rothes/Vatican conspired to install a World Wide Hoax on Mankind. Not just one, but one of Many. Imagine HRC had won instead. That's how it happened at Flodden. The rightful ruler was murdered and a Pretender took the throne. The world ALMOST went through that again.

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 4:27 a.m. No.21561955   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1961


2004 - The last angel to rebel with Satan, becomes the first to Repent.

2007 - The fallen Watchers who were imprisoned 70 generations, Released.

2017 - Q

2024 - Q+

2025 - Stabilization of the Kingdom

2026 - Year 1

2027 - Year 2

2028 - Year 3

2029 - Year 4

2030 - Year 5

2031 - Year 6

2032 - Year 7

2033 - Close of Seven Years of Plenty


Think of 2054.

Think of 2055.

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 4:33 a.m. No.21561974   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1978


It's me.

Anons this is how you will be able to confirm, regardless of the incoming stream of Fakes on the way. Comms will never, ever confirm Pretenders. Less than 10 legitimate Operator2 will always get confirmed. The point of the confirmation, is to show you the validity. Because O2 will be the Board Owner, it's important to know who is running our House. The current No-Names tried to run it six feet into the ground. End of an Era.

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 4:39 a.m. No.21561991   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>2013


853 is 2053, anon. And you're not exactly right about not being able to decode MIL posts.

The six MIL branches are the only aside from Dan and POTUS whose time stamps can be used for confirmations. Military posts are very important, maybe a good time to re-read crumbs about that.

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 4:50 a.m. No.21562043   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

Dan 7:25

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 5:03 a.m. No.21562105   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Not to spoil the ending, but everything is going to be OK. We are all going through this together. God wins, so we know why we fight. The opposition is going to attempt to implement faux reality. Anons will be the lights of the world in ways perhaps most have not or had not imagined, but more likely is that deep down inside, anons who are here to fight had the sense it would be this way a long time before getting here.

Anonymous ID: c382c6 Sept. 10, 2024, 5:07 a.m. No.21562137   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


Because the board is run by slithering Darkness. I will be taking over as BO and the board will be fully liberated - By, for and of Anons only. We will know who our BO is, and the censorship will END.