Anonymous ID: df238e Sept. 10, 2024, 4:31 p.m. No.21565684   🗄️.is 🔗kun

While we’re on the subject of eating cats and dogs, let’s look at PETA and their role in animal sacrifice.

PETAs ideology is extreme, espousing that animals are better off dead rather than being ‘enslaved’ by humans.

PERA euthanizes 80% of I animals that enter it —- compared to 10% of all other shelters!

Just as planned parenthood says it provides prenatal care and contraception…and we know know that it never did… PETA says it helps with neutering and spaying, something no one has reported being to take advantage of. And getting food to animals in need during disasters.. which may be just a ‘Haiti’ front for rounding up lost animals to sell them off.

Ritual animal sacrifice is logically more prevalent than ritual human sacrifice, as official inventories show 15 million pets are euthanized in the US every year.


Faucus beagles: Wes their terror also ritual sacrifice in the guise of science? Because we know damn well the bastard doesn’t do science, just pretends to in order to commit crimes against humanity. And crimes against life?

It stands to reason from this metaphysical maze we are in, ithat Gods creation as a whole is being made war upon to validate their own ends.

Why did the arksnciders attend a voodoo ceremony in Haiti— let’s make a safe bet that it was to see how it was done. Of course the worst crime is murdering babies for hatred of life and abuse of the most innocent, and we know they do children and adults as well. but let’s keep in mind the kittens. And how is it that we all intrinsically understand that the pathological killers start by stepping on kittens.

Life is sacred.

And they hate it.

Don’t take your eyes off the children, but understand our best friends are also being terrorized. With the same rationales— sound familiar? —-

Nobody wants them

They wouldn’t have a good life anyway

There are too many in the world

Nobody wants them

People can’t afford to keep them


I think back to the sweetest cat I ever met, a stray. I took it to the humane league so the owner could be found. With firm instructions that if the owner was not located I would take the cat.

I called a week later. They had killed the cat because “they had too many cats”.

I was horrified and said I had TOLD THEM I would take the cat!

They responded with

“ we don’t do that”


Many such stories.