Anonymous ID: e0402f Sept. 10, 2024, 1:59 p.m. No.21564888   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>5293 >>5303

Rosemary Jenks [Immigration Accountability Project; noncitizen voting hearing]: Imagine you're a new arrival to the United States with limited English proficiency. If a government official, whether at the DMV, or some other agency, or an NGO, paid for the government to take care of you, hands you a form and says, 'Just check this box and sign your name', you're probably going to comply, and as soon as you do, you are guilty of a deportable criminal offense. You have essentially been entrapped into a criminal act by a government agency or NGO, acting either with indifference, or with nefarious purpose…the problem is that once a non-citizen's name is on the voter roll, that name can be attached to a ballot and voted. In states that automatically mail ballots to registered voters, a ballot will be mailed to whatever address the noncitizen provided. Whether it's the address of a migrant shelter,a hotel, a homeless shelter, or a residence. What will happen to that ballot and others like it? Will it be harvested, filled out, placed in a drop-box?

Anonymous ID: e0402f Sept. 10, 2024, 2:02 p.m. No.21564894   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Mitchell [Conservative Partnership Institute; noncitizen voting hearing]: Leftist groups have fought the citizenship question on the 2020 census. Every democrat in congress voted against putting the citizenship question back on the census. Every democrat in congress also voted no to apportioning US House seats based on citizenship instead of population. Why? Because California would have lost four US House seats in 2010, and three more in 2020, if only citizens had been counted for apportionment of the US House.

Anonymous ID: e0402f Sept. 10, 2024, 2:22 p.m. No.21564985   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Byrd [Florida Secretary of State; noncitizen voting hearing]: The NVRA [National Voter Registration Act of 1993] prohibits states from requiring citizenship documentation on the front end, when somebody registers to vote. Federal courts, im interpreting the NVRA, most recently the Supreme Court, have said that we cannot require that proof of citizenship. We have to add the person to the rolls, and then only on the back end do the list maintenance. In essence, we are playing wack-a-mole with people who we've seen repeatedly register, and removed, register and removed, because we can't require the information on the front end.

Anonymous ID: e0402f Sept. 10, 2024, 2:31 p.m. No.21565025   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Mitchell: I just read…that the Department of Justice sent out a memo today, to people all over the country, election officials, reminding them that they are not allowed to remove ineligible voters, because now is the blackout period. Well, that's not even actually true.

[more attempts to interfere in the election by effectively threatening states against removing illegals/noncitizens]

Anonymous ID: e0402f Sept. 10, 2024, 2:37 p.m. No.21565049   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Reporter: On 9/11, why is it important for both [Biden] and [Harris] to be at all three stops tomorrow?

Jean-Pierre: They want to honor the two thousand, nine hundred and seventy-seven lives that were lost on that tragic day, and support the families, and also their loved ones…on this particular year they're doing it together.

Reporter: Does it have anything to do with the fact that she is now a candidate for president?

Jean-Pierre: I'm not going to get into politics. Tomorrow is not about politics.

[disgusting use of 9/11 to help the Harris campaign]

Anonymous ID: e0402f Sept. 10, 2024, 2:53 p.m. No.21565122   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Mitchell: I included in my written testimony, a file from a whistleblower who sent to me; he is a US Marshal, and he sent the Department of Justice Guidelines, instructions, to all the US Marshals, requiring them, notifying them, that they are required to offer voter registration materials and voter education materials, to everyone with whom they come into contact. Including, and he sent me a file of someone who had to be registered to vote, who is a prisoner in a Texas federal facility. He's imprisoned for violating federal law because he was deported and returned. He's a Mexican citizen. It says that in his file. And was registered to vote, and they are required to give him voter registration materials. That is happening in federal prisons all over the country.

Hageman: Is it your understanding that they [Biden administration] are actually implementing the very plans that they refuse to turn over to congress?

Mitchell: They are absolutely doing that.