David drop your shit. Want some?
That is hilarious. Thanks
I know some U tuber.
just a counterpoint to those morons posting test.
it is like watching stray cats scatter
RA would never give a human a glance as i recall. To far below his level to even acknowledge
now that is funny - KEK
I am still pissed a foreign spy freed.
well BO may need to diversify if wants the board if this shit continues.
at this point i assume no one has good intentions 19 months.
Want to bet? I will put up a grand.
and if you win i will be so happy i will give you two to one.
Ra did you get scared?
Introduce yourself :) :( . It will be fun.
you taking the bet?
no i demand 1 grand if you loose and 2 if you win. 40 democratic senators but I will accept congresspeople.
as you can see my trust in who the fuck ever has eroded a lot
just be open
if you can't afford the bet drop
Because i would be happy to pay 2 grand if Awan takes down 40 congresspeople.
This fucking Jalapeno is god damn HOTTTT!!!!