Anonymous ID: 341e1a Sept. 10, 2024, 7:26 p.m. No.21567676   🗄️.is 🔗kun

NEW * Five O'Clock World - The Vogues {DES Stereo} 1966


2Ch_30:27 Then the priestsH3548 the LevitesH3881 aroseH6965 and blessedH1288 (H853) the people:H5971 and their voiceH6963 was heard,H8085 and their prayerH8605 cameH935 up to his holyH6944 dwelling place,H4583 even unto heaven.H8064

2Ch_33:18 Now the restH3499 of the acts ofH1697 Manasseh,H4519 and his prayerH8605 untoH413 his God,H430 and the wordsH1697 of the seersH2374 that spakeH1696 toH413 him in the nameH8034 of the LORDH3068 GodH430 of Israel,H3478 behold,H2009 they are written inH5921 the bookH1697 of the kingsH4428 of Israel.H3478

2Ch_33:19 His prayerH8605 also, and how God was intreatedH6279 of him, and allH3605 his sin,H2403 and his trespass,H4604 and the placesH4725 whereinH834 he builtH1129 high places,H1116 and set upH5975 grovesH842 and graven images,H6456 beforeH6440 he was humbled:H3665 behold,H2009 they are writtenH3789 amongH5921 the sayingsH1697 of the seers.H2335

Neh_1:6 Let thine earH241 nowH4994 beH1961 attentive,H7183 and thine eyesH5869 open,H6605 that thou mayest hearH8085 H413 the prayerH8605 of thy servant,H5650 whichH834 IH595 prayH6419 beforeH6440 thee now,H3117 dayH3119 and night,H3915 forH5921 the childrenH1121 of IsraelH3478 thy servants,H5650 and confessH3034 H5921 the sinsH2403 of the childrenH1121 of Israel,H3478 whichH834 we have sinnedH2398 against thee: both IH589 and my father'sH1 houseH1004 have sinned.H2398

Neh_1:11 O Lord,H136 I beseechH577 thee, let nowH4994 thine earH241 beH1961 attentiveH7183 toH413 the prayerH8605 of thy servant,H5650 and toH413 the prayerH8605 of thy servants,H5650 who desireH2655 to fearH3372 (H853) thy name:H8034 and prosper,H6743 I prayH4994 thee, thy servantH5650 this day,H3117 and grantH5414 him mercyH7356 in the sightH6440 of thisH2088 man.H376 For IH589 wasH1961 the king'sH4428 cupbearer.H4945

Neh_4:9 Nevertheless we made our prayerH6419 untoH413 our God,H430 and setH5975 a watchH4929 againstH5921 them dayH3119 and night,H3915 because ofH4480 H6440 them.



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