Anonymous ID: 04d81b Sept. 10, 2024, 9:21 p.m. No.21568972   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Moderator: Do you want Ukraine to win this war? President Trump: I want the war to stop. I want to save lives…we're in for two hundred and fifty billion or more, because they [Harris/Biden] don't ask Europe, which is a much bigger beneficiary to getting this thing done than we are…Biden and you [Harris] don't have the courage to ask Europe, like I did with NATO; they paid billions and billions, hundreds of billions of dollars, when I said pay up,m or we're not going to protect you anymore.


>>>21567531 President Trump: Don't kid yourself, David. We're playing with World War III, and we have a president that we don't even know if he's; where is our president? We don't even know if he's a president. They threw him out of a campaign like a dog. Is he our president. We have a president that doesn't know he's alive. Moderator: Just to clarify, do you think it's in the US best interest for Ukraine to win this war? President Trump: I think it's in the US best interest to get this war finished and just get it done. Negotiate a deal. Because we have to stop all of these human lives from being destroyed.


>>>21567538 Harris: I met with President Zelenskyy. I shared with him American intelligence about how he could defend himself. [classified information?]


>>>21567579 President Trump: They sent her [Harris] to negotiate peace before this war started, three days later, he went in [Putin], and he started the war. Because everything they said was weak and stupid. They said the wrong things. That war should have never started. She was the emissary. They sent her in to negotiate with Zelenskyy and Putin, and she did. And the war started three days later. And that's the kind of talent we have with her. She's worse than Biden…she is a horrible negotiator. They sent her in to negotiate, as soon as she left, Putin did the invasion.


That will win independents. But how stupid do you have to be to still not know?